9 Simple Ways To Make Your Partner Addicted To You In A Healthy Way

Aug 02, 2018 by apost team

Every long relationship has its ups and downs. Bringing the magic back into your relationship is not about manipulating the other person or becoming codependent. It simply means reminding your partner of that exciting feeling of love you shared back when you first got together and that it can be that way again. Here are nine ways you can encourage that.

1. Make Eye Contact


One researcher says that when two people make eye contact, they both release the feel-good drug oxytocin at the same time. This gives each person a positive feeling about the other one.


2. Tell Each Other Good Things


"Capitalization" is not a term commonly heard in a relationship context, but it refers to the feelings that arise when people share positive emotions. From that sharing, love, affection and a sense of bonding can arise. Therefore, it is important to share good news with your partner whenever you can.

3. Remain Interested


Some people may feel their partner is no longer paying attention to them. People want to feel as though they are able to freely express themselves and vent to a partner. People can also build emotional intimacy by continually learning new things about one another.

4. Don't Wear Clothes To Bed


This is a way of showing your partner you are open to them. Some research has shown that partners engage more with one another and have more fulfilling sexual experiences if they sleep naked. However, these benefits are not off limits to people who prefer to wear something to bed. Flirting and building sexual tension in other ways can increase your sense of bonding.

5. Show You Appreciate Your Partner


Instead of focusing on the things your partner does wrong, acknowledge and praise all the things your partner does right.

6. Share Enjoyment


Sharing the same taste in books, movies or hobbies can be an important part of a strong relationship. Be open with your partner about your knowledge of the things you enjoy.

7. Smell Good


We can be powerfully attracted to someone's scent. Smells are also a major emotional trigger. Once you have identified a scent your partner likes, wear it at least once a week to keep that emotional trigger going.

8. Remember Spontaneity


Our brains resist repetition, and this is one reason keeping a long-term relationship exciting can be a challenge. However, if you are willing to keep trying new things, it can keep you and your partner from falling into a routine and more interested in one another.

9. Understand Love Languages


The book "Five Love Languages" is all about identifying the top two languages your partner relates to and making sure you show your appreciation in that way. It might be gifts, words, touch or something else, but your partner will feel more loved if you recognize the right love language for expressing it.


The best way to keep the spark alive in your relationship is about continuing to find ways to deepen your connection with one another. Comment with things that have worked for you in keeping your relationship fresh and exciting. Don't forget to pass these secrets on to your friends!