9 Signs You're Becoming More Of An Introvert

Aug 06, 2018 by apost team

There's nothing amiss about wanting to be alone from time to time. Everybody needs a little "me time." However, some signs would indicate that you may be developing into an introvert. You may want to get a little bit more social if you find that one or some of these nine signs pertain to you.

1. It's Hard To Leave Home


Now, everyone in the world enjoys time at home at least one day out of the week. However, you may be becoming an introvert if it becomes difficult for you to want to go outside at all. Procrastination is suspect. In other words, you may be an introvert or becoming an introvert if you have to psych yourself up for days just to go outside and run some errands.


2. Your Best Friend Is A Pet Or Stuffed Animal


It's possible that you're an introvert if you have absolutely no friends and your life. Now that, of course, only applies if there isn't a different reason for your lack of friends like moving to a new town or doing a massive life overhaul. You could be an introvert if you find yourself enjoying your pet's time more than you enjoy the time with other people, though.

3. Social Events Scare You


If you literally fear to go to social events, you may be moving toward being an introvert. Of course, not all social events are good. It's understandable if you might not want to attend the Annual Mandatory Rule Enforcement Convention at your job. However, you may start to suspect that you're an introvert if everything social bothers you even when it offers a good opportunity to meet new people and like minds.

4. You Watch Way Too Much TV


You might be an introvert if you spend a huge portion of your day watching television or movies in the comfort of your home. In fact, you might suspect that such is true if you run out of movies to watch because of the amount of time that you spend watching them. The theater is fresh with movies all the time, but your tendency to stay home may indicate that you are becoming an introverted personality.

5. You Prefer Social Media To "Live Interaction"


Social media gives everybody the ability to keep in touch with their friends and family members with a few short clicks. However, you may be an introvert if you prefer social media and online communications over in-person communications. Again, if all of your family and friends live far away, then it makes perfect sense for you to communicate that way. However, some people prefer social media communications to spending time with people "in the flesh" so to speak. If this is you, you may want to consider that you might be an introvert.

6. You Prefer Cooking To Dining


You could be an introvert if you prefer to stay home and cook rather than go to a restaurant. There are times when that is wise, especially times of economic struggle. But if you find yourself declining dinner dates with loved ones or friends all the time just because you feel more comfortable at home, you might want to think about the possibility that you are an introvert.

7. You Are In Home Gear All The Time


Usually, people have clothing that they wear out and clothing that they wear at home. An introvert might find herself wearing in-home clothes all the time because the instances of going out are slim to none. Give yourself a quick wardrobe check. If you see a lot of sweatpants and pajama-like clothing, then perhaps it's because you are becoming introverted.

8. All Of Your Hobbies Are Homebound


It's great that you have hobbies and things that you like to do, but if you're an introvert, you might find that those things are always home-based activities. Your hobby may be something like crocheting or playing video games you can only do at home.

9. You Only Go Outside If You Have to


Another sign of being an introvert is that you only go outside when you absolutely have to go outside. If you didn't have to go outside for things like grocery shopping, you probably would spend your entire life inside. If you're becoming comfortable with that concept, you may be transforming into an introvert.

Those are just some of the clues that you may be becoming an introvert. Go over them and see if you fit the description, and tell your friends about them so they can do an introvert check on themselves. Of course, if you're happy, then you can continue to be as introverted as you wan t to be.