9 Comebacks To Use When Dealing With Rude People In Your Life
Aug 10, 2018 by apost team
We often deal with relationships that we love one minute and hate the next. It could be your boss, spouse, friend, or mother. They may have the sweetest intentions ever one second but manage to insult you the very next. Many people don’t think about what they are about to say before they say it, which can quickly lead to disastrous results and majorly hurt feelings.
We all have the right to speak our minds and defend ourselves. However, many of us don’t wish to be rude. Not only that, we often have to tread carefully when that person is signing your paychecks or looking after your children.
Check out these nine great comebacks that will help you deal with the rude people in your life.
1. Thank You
When you encounter rudeness in your life, simply saying “thank you” can work wonders. Saying thanks reflects a great deal of maturity on your part. It shows the other person that you have acknowledged their rudeness and you have chosen to not let it affect you at all. The other person will usually shut down quickly when they realize their comments haven’t bothered you. It’s up to you to choose happiness in every situation, and doing so shows others that they cannot hurt you with their words.
2. I Appreciate Your Perspective
When you tell someone that you appreciate their perspective on a certain matter, it shows that you want to communicate as an adult. You don’t plan to stoop to their level anytime soon. When someone blurts out something that is very tactless, it means that they are trying to bring you down. Show them that you are dignified by responding with this statement. It may even help them react in a better way. If not, try tip number three.
3. This Conversation is Over
Sometimes you may be too angry to respond in a civil manner, and that is perfectly okay. We don’t want to cause permanent damage to our relationships by saying something we don’t mean, but we also don’t want to disrespect ourselves by acting like their rude comments were okay. Take the high road and tell the other person that you will not be continuing the conversation at this time.
4. Ask Them Why That Was Necessary for Them to Say
This is the perfect response in a group setting as it puts the other person in check quite quickly. Ask them if they really thought that was necessary to say and do they expect a real answer from you. It gives them a chance to think over what they said and apologize to you. Everyone will then know that you will not respond to rude questions or comments. If they say “yes” to the second question you ask, tell them that it isn’t happening and then end the conversation.
5. That Almost Hurt My Feelings
This is a bit on the sarcastic side, but it tells the other individual that you are not going to take their negativity. It makes them see that you won’t be dealing with their immaturity anytime soon, and it will more than likely discourage them from making another rude remark.
6. You’re Right
Many people have a very hard time saying these words. If you say them to someone who has just been rude to you, they will be taken aback by your bluntness. The conversation is likely to be cut short because they really won’t know what else to say. You may not get quite as much satisfaction from saying these magical words, but the other person won’t get much enjoyment out of being rude to you, either.
7. You’re Always Negative, Aren’t You?
Saying this deflects the attention from you back to them, which makes them think twice about what they just said. It is never wrong to speak what is on your mind when someone has offended you. You are probably not the only one who has been affected by their behavior, so it actually benefits you and others to bring it up to them.
8. I Love Us Both
You can only use this with people you really do love, like your spouse or mother. This comeback is effective because it quickly shuts the other person down. Kindness is always better than negativity and when you express your love for another person, their comments lose their power fast. Don’t let the bad mood of someone else rub off on you. Use your love for them to stop them in their tracks.
9. Laugh
If someone makes a rude comment to you, they usually expect that you will be upset. Instead, laugh. It will completely catch them off guard and make them wonder why they said it in the first place. It will also make your situation seem less serious than it is, and others will see that you don’t let negativity affect your mood or outlook.
The bottom line is this: You always have the choice of how you are going to react to any given situation, so choose the way that makes you the happiest.
Do you have any other ideas to add? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this along to friends and family!