8 Signs Of Narcissism That You Cannot Afford To Ignore Until It's Too Late
Aug 27, 2018 by apost team
Unfortunately, narcissism happens everywhere. In the United States, the number of narcissists is actually increasing. This negative personality trait is a part of a mental disorder known as the narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). This disorder is thought to begin in childhood and worsen as the child grows up.
There are two main types of narcissists. A flamboyant narcissist believes that no one will notice their narcissism and act openly. Meanwhile, a covert narcissist will deliberately fake their behavior so that they do not seem narcissistic. This second kind of narcissist is more dangerous because it is much harder to realize that you are dealing with a narcissist. No matter what kind of narcissist you meet in life, the following eight signs are indications that you are dealing with a dangerous, narcissistic person.

1. They Don't Waste Time Caring

Narcissists are extremely self-involved. Even if they pretend to care, their main goal is taking care of their own needs. They might fake a caring attitude, but they do not actually care about anything other than themselves.
2. They Are Unable To Listen

This sign of narcissism stems from not caring. Since the narcissist only cares about their own needs, they are not interested in listening to what you have to say. They may ignore any conversation that bores them. If the conversation requires energy or effort, the narcissist will not bother to listen.
3. They Are Terrible Communicators

Some narcissists can seem charismatic at first, but you will notice hidden signs of a problem. A narcissist is too sensitive to be criticized, so they do not want anyone to tell them that they are doing something wrong. Sometimes, they will become openly angry about criticism or a dialogue that does not benefit them. In some cases, they will hide this anger by becoming passive-aggressive instead.
4. Their Humility Is Not Real

Many narcissists are aware that other people act, think and feel differently than they do. Because of this, they will fake emotions that they cannot truly feel. Humility is one of the emotions that a narcissist is not capable of. People are attracted to humility, so a narcissist fakes this emotion to manipulate everyone around them.
5. They Lack Empathy

When the only person you truly care for is yourself, feeling empathy is next to impossible. A narcissist does not care enough about you to learn about how you feel or what you want. If someone you know lacks empathy completely, there is an excellent chance that they are a narcissist.
6. They Think That They Are Intelligent

A narcissist is just as likely to be intelligent or unintelligent as anyone else. The only problem is that they always think that they are smarter than they actually are. They will brag about how smart they are and refuse to listen to someone else's ideas. They are terrible on team projects because they always think that their ideas are the best.
7. They Feel Entitled

Because the narcissist feels like they are the most important person, they think that they deserve everything. When they want something, they expect it right away. This is even true when the narcissist does not actually deserve anything.
While a narcissistic personality may be dangerous, there are also many narcissists who never hurt anyone. Remember that narcissists are people as well. Psychologists currently believe that excessive attention or neglect during childhood program kids to become narcissists. While it is important to remember that narcissists are also humans, you should also avoid putting yourself into any physically or emotionally dangerous situation.
If you think that there is a narcissist in your life, make sure to spread the word about the potential signs to watch out for.