8 Remarkable Body Features That You Probably Don't Have
Apr 03, 2018 by apost team
The human body is an incredible thing, but there are actually some bodies that are better than others. That's right, genetics have given some lucky people on this planet a sort of "super" body that allows them to do things the average person can't.
Do you think you have one of these unique abilities? Keep reading to find out!
1. Some People Don't Need Much Sleep
Did you know that some people can sleep a few hours every night and wake up feeling fantastic? There's a condition called familial natural short sleepers, and people who have this regularly sleep at least two hours fewer than normal people. It's believed that many celebrities have this genetic variation which is why they can keep up with such a crazy schedule.
2. Tibetans Are Designed For High Altitudes
Tibetans have actually evolved to be able to survive high altitudes. According to studies, this genetic change occurred only within the last 3,000 years, which makes this the fastest mutation ever recorded in human history.
3. Some People Have Two Sets Of Eyelashes
Every woman strives for a voluminous lash, but some people are actually born with it! People who have this condition don't look freakish. The second row of lashes blends in since it grows from the inner mucosal layer of the eye. But be wary, this beauty comes at a price since it may be linked to congenital heart defects.
4. The Palmaris Longus Is A Neat Evolutionary Artifact
Flex your hand to check if you have this tendon in your wrist. It's believed that having this helped us climb trees, but it has no use anymore. Evolution is starting to phase this out, though, since 14% of people don't have this tendon anymore.
5. You Could See More Colors Than Everyone
It's unlikely, but some people known as tetrachromats are born with 4 cones in their eyes. Most people are born with 3, and those who are colorblind only have 2. Having that extra cone lets tetrachromats see 100 million vibrant colors. Unfortunately, most people don't realize they have this gift since they think they are normal. Their eyes may also become trained to only see the colors that most people see.
6. Your Eyes Can Actually Pop Out Of Your Head
It's rare, but the condition known as globe luxation can literally make your eyes pop out of your head. While there is no advantage to having this condition, you can really freak your friends out. Be careful though, because if you have this condition, you're more likely to suffer from eye problems like thyroid eye disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, shallow orbit, and floppy eyelid syndrome.
7. Perfect Pitch Is Rare But You Might Be Able To Achieve It
Only 1 in 10,000 people have this gift. Musicians need perfect pitch to be able to identify and distinguish between the subtleties of different notes. Scientists have been struggling to determine if people are born with it or if it can be acquired. As it turns out, with enough perseverance, you might be able develop perfect pitch so you can nail every karaoke night.
8. Outies Are Unique
Did you know that only 4% of adults actually have an outie belly button? Outies are actually caused by a hernia, and most of the time they are resolved by the time you turn 5. So while you might have known a lot of kids with outies, it's unlikely you'll find as many adults with them!
Does your body have any of these special abilities? Do you know someone who does? Make sure they see this article to know how special their body feature is!