8 Japanese Tricks For Staying Slim And Trim
May 28, 2018 by apost team
Maintaining a healthy diet can be really challenging for some. Yet, there are other people who maintain a perfectly slender figure and seemingly eat whatever they want. Take a look at the Japanese. Out of all the countries in the world, Japan is known as the healthiest and slimmest. It all boils down to maintaining specific practices that you can adopt right now.
1. Stick With The Right Portions
If you'd like to lose a specific amount of weight, find out how many calories you should consume every day. Once you know, prepare meals that fit within that caloric intake. Think about using small plates to consume small, colorful portions.
2. Make Each Meal An Experience
There's a reason why fast food restaurants are such a hit. Stop eating on the go. Sit down at the table and eat without distractions. Focus on chewing your food and enjoy the present moment.
3. Eat Soy In Moderation
Soy provides phytoestrogens and protein. Many veggie meat products are made out of soy. Tofu, edamame and soy milk are options to consider in moderation.
4. Eat Lots Of Veggies
Make sure to fill your plate up with lots of vegetables. Consider a mix of raw and cooked vegetables. To cook vegetables, consider stir-fried, steamed or grilled methods. Corn, eggplant, a variety of peppers and zucchini are great options. Don't forget the green, leafy vegetables as well.
5. Schedule Your Meals
Many people haphazardly eat when they feel like they have the time to squeeze in a meal. Others only eat when they feel really hungry. Japanese people are known to be very respectful of time. If you eat at specific times each day, you'll get rid of the hunger pangs and avoid unnecessary binge sessions to feed a craving.
6. Enjoy Green Tea After Every Meal
One of the many great benefits of green tea is its anti-aging and energizing properties. Make sure to drink it unsweetened.
7. Delight In Fruity Desserts
Fruit is healthy and has tons of vitamins and nutrients. However, if you consume a lot, the natural sugars can add up. Instead, enjoy a sweet bowl of cherries or cubed watermelon as a dessert.
8. Enjoy Rice
Rice is very filling and can be low in calories. Try not to season it heavily with salt. Use herbs, a bit of lemon juice and pair it with some delicious vegetables.
These tips embody a lifestyle and once you adopt it, you'll be able to experience a brand-new hot body. Let your friends know about this new lifestyle and gain some new accountability partners. Which one of these tips are you most excited to try?