78-Year-Old Uses Makeup To Look 2 Decades Younger
Dec 09, 2021 by apost team
For many people, the aging process can be a total downer. It alters the way that we look in a manner that can be extremely difficult to deal with. When we’re younger, we don't really have to worry about the way that we look as we change, but the older we get, the more different looking we become. Our skin, once soft and youthful-looking, becomes wrinkled, aged and starts sagging in a way that can make us feel unrecognizable to even ourselves.
In this incredible makeover video from 2019, one woman named Joann revealed how she gets ready and manages to look decades younger in the process. Though it's no surprise, she happens to be the mom of Christopher Hopkins AKA The Makeover Guy! During her makeover, which she did herself, Joann employed a few tricks that had her looking fabulous in no time.
For Joann, makeup is a huge part of her life, which is no surprise considering her son is a renowned makeup artist who is the owner of Christopher Hopkins Image Center. She revealed that she uses makeup on a daily basis and even sleeps in it in order to look her best for the person she loves the most. She also used tape to lift her face slightly, which is a trick that Hollywood makeup artists have used for decades. Finally, she put on a wig to finish off the whole look.
Joann's makeover is stunning but she's honest about what it takes to look that way. Whether you prefer a natural look or a more glamorous style, it's important to remember that we are all beautiful the way we are and that makeup is simply a fun way to enhance ourselves if we wish to do so.
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

At the start of the video, Joann is barefaced. Not a fan of the no-makeup look on herself, she made a joke about looking as if she'd died and hopefully gone to heaven. But even without makeup on, it's clear that Joann is a gorgeous woman and at 78 years old, she looks fantastic. She jokingly told her son, "Don’t you dare put me in a nursing home and let me get like this," as she referred to her pre-makeover stage.
From her protestations, it's clear that Joann prefers a glamorous look and soon enough she began her transformation. First, Hopkins put tape on Joann's temples and made sure it was stuck down properly. This is an old professional makeup artist trick and one that is used in Hollywood and the fashion industry a lot. The tape pulls the skin taught in that area and delivers a smoother and lifted facial appearance overall.
Then Joann started on her makeup application, including everything from foundation and powder to eyeliner and mascara. While she transformed her face, Joann spoke about her love for makeup and its ability to transform. She even revealed that when she was around 30, a lady in her church asked her "When are you going to stop wearing makeup?" as if she was too old for it. Her son chimed in and said "never," as he added that people always gave her a hard time for that. By proudly wearing makeup well into her 70s, Joann proves that there is no age limit on it and that it all comes down to a matter of personal style and taste.


In fact, Joann loves makeup so much that she only sees herself without it for a short while in the morning after she wakes up, and it’s only long enough for her to remove the layer from the night before in order to apply a fresh one! However, this doesn’t mean that we should all start sleeping in our makeup. Wearing makeup for extended periods of time overnight can cause issues with our skin including acne, clogged pores, damaged cells of the skin, and even premature aging! It’s important to give our skin a break to refresh and repair itself from wearing makeup. Although wearing makeup to bed is not recommended, her reasoning behind it is so that she always looks beautiful around the person she loves and cares about the most.
Luckily, Joann hasn't experienced any bad side effects from sleeping in her makeup. It seems like when she puts on her makeup each day, she tries to recreate the look of her younger self, and you’d be amazed at the result she ends up with! She doesn’t seem to care what anybody says about how much makeup she wears because she truly loves applying it and looking glamorous all day. It’s one of the defining character traits that she’ll never give up.
It’s clear that Hopkins inherited his talent with cosmetics from his mother because Joann is truly a wizard with a makeup brush! To finish off her glamorous look, Joann put on a grey wig, as her son pointed out in the comments section. Although her natural hair was also a gorgeous grey color, Joann must have wanted to achieve a certain look. It's further proof that makeup and hair are all about dressing up and having fun, whether other people like it or not.
Do you love makeup just as much as Joann does? Let us know what you think about her makeover and her overall approach to beauty. Be sure to pass this article on to anyone who loves to see a good makeover!