7-Year-Old Has 526 Teeth Taken Out Of His Mouth

Aug 06, 2019 by apost team

One tiny boy in Chennai, India, had a big problem. He'd been experiencing jaw pain and swelling since he was three years old. His parents sought treatment, but they couldn't get the toddler to cooperate. Doctors never diagnosed his problem.

Four years later, the boy's pain grew out of hand. His jaw was swollen, and his parents took him to the hospital. What doctors found took them very much by surprise.

The seven-year-old had what's called "compound odontoma." This is a condition in which the person develops tissue that calcifies into teeth-like formations. Doctors believe it could be genetic.


In this young boy's case, he had 526 of these in his mouth! The Saveetha Dental College and Hospital in India said that the "teeth" they removed weighed nearly half a pound. In a statement, they claimed that it's the first documented case of that many teeth found in one person.

It took surgeons five hours to remove all of them from the boy's mouth. Most of them were in a mass in his lower jaw. According to the report, some were as large as half an inch tall. Others were less than a millimeter. In addition, each one was formed like a normal tooth with a crown and root.

The child spent three days in the hospital to recover from the surgery before heading home. Once he's healed, he should no longer experience the pain and swelling that he'd been living with before.

What do you think of this boy's situation? Have you ever heard of such an issue before? Let us know your opinions!