7 Ways To Get Rid Of Fat Faster
Nov 06, 2018 by apost team
Have you ever tried to lose weight? If so, you know how long it can take and how painful it can be. Here are some easy, no-fail tips for getting rid of stubborn fat as fast as possible.

Drink more water! Staying hydrated is key to keeping your metabolism pumping. As Harvard Health Publishing stated, your body needs water to function and if you're not getting enough, everything will be sluggish. Your body is also not that smart when it comes to deciding if it's feeling hunger or thirst. You might think you're craving food but your body is actually asking for something to drink.

The more water you drink, the fuller you'll feel. Drink a glass before each meal to cut down on how much you eat. It also helps to drink room temperature water when you wake and before bed. This gets your metabolism going. Drinking cold water a few times a day will keep it going.

Since exercise should be part of your weight-loss plan, it's a good idea to drink water about half an hour before you start working out. Keep drinking throughout your workout to stay hydrated.
Remember, if you're feeling thirsty, you're already dehydrated!
Cut Carbs

As painful as it might be, cutting down on carbs is a must for losing weight. When we eat carbs, they're broken down into glucose. This causes a release of insulin, which can make you store more fat. The body does need some carbs to function, so you should choose complex carbs that are low on the glycemic index, as the Berkley University Of California suggests.

Fruits contain vitamins and fiber that your body needs. Cherries, apples, and grapefruit are all low on the glycemic index. They're also packed full of vitamin C and antioxidants.
Whole grains, like oats, give you fiber so you digest food easier. They also lower cholesterol and reduce heart issues. Because they're complex carbs, it takes longer to break them down. This means when you eat them, you feel fuller for longer.
Add Weights

Adding weights to your workout will give you a tighter, more toned physique. It will also help you burn calories and as Harvard Health Publishing revealed, there are so many others benefits. Each pound of muscle you have burns six calories a day just by existing. Compare that to a pound of fat, which only burns two calories per day. Working out with weights will increase your muscle mass and burn more calories.
Eat More Protein
Working out with weights? Great. Now you need to support those new muscles you're developing. This means eating foods that are rich in amino acids -- lean, mean proteins. An article published by the Michigan State University Extension emphasized the great importance of protein intake.

Eggs are good for you. They're high in protein and low in calories. Try snacking on a boiled egg or adding extra egg whites to your breakfast.
Fish is another option. It's full of vitamins, calcium, and minerals.
White meats, like skinless chicken and turkey, are filling and a great source of lean protein.
Don't forget the dairy! Milk, cottage cheese, and yogurt all give you protein without too much fat. Plus, the calcium is good for your bones.
Indulge in Healthy Fats
Think all fat is bad? Think again. Your body uses it to absorb vitamins. As the University of New Hampshire examines, there are good and healthy fats. Healthy fats like monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and omega-3 fatty acids actually reduce cholesterol and boost your ability to control insulin and blood sugar levels.

You'll find these healthy fats in things like canola and olive oil, fish -- also your source of lean protein -- eggs, almonds, and avocado.
Detox Your Body

Cleanses have gotten a bad rap over the past few years, but a good detox can rid your system of harmful toxins. If you want to detox, pick a weekend and load up on grapefruit, lettuce, cucumbers, spinach, carrots, peppers, and asparagus. Bust out the infuser and make some tea. You'll want to drink lots of that and water.
Move Your Body

The number one way to blast the fat from your figure? Good old-fashioned cardio. The University of Michigan stressed the importance of physical activity and its benefits. You'll want to exercise five times a week for at least 40 minutes. It boosts your oxygen, which means your muscles work more efficiently. It improves circulation, decreases stress, and burns more calories. It even reduces cortisol, the stress hormone.
If traditional aerobic exercise isn't your thing, try high-intensity interval training. HIIT workouts involve mixing full-out exercise with brief moments of rest. For example, you could do jumping jacks for 30 seconds and then rest 30 seconds or a minute. You can do this with many types of exercise, from burpees to squats. The key is to really push yourself for the exercise portion.
Have you tried any of these tips? If so, let us know how they worked for you? Don't hold it to yourself if you have any other tips and tricks for shedding a few pounds! Spread the word about this article to help others!
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