7 Simple Exercises To Build And Maintain Good Posture At Home

Jun 28, 2018 by apost team

We only get one body, so it is vital that we take proper care of it. When we think about fitness, we often think about burning fat and building muscle. That is why people go to the gym, right?

But have you ever considered partaking in exercises for your posture? Bad posture can damage the skeletal system and ruin a perfect body frame. Maintaining good body posture is a must to prevent back problems later in life. Also, you are more likely to get injured while working out at the gym if your body posture is flawed.


That is why we have developed a list of seven exercises to help strengthen and protect your body posture. Most of these exercises are simple and can be practiced in the comfort of your own home. A gym is not required to participate in these exercises. There are, however, some small pieces of gym equipment that you will need to purchase. You will be working with dumbells for most of these body posture exercises.

If you notice that extra weight is too complicated for you, it is okay to start with just your weight. You can gradually add more weight over time. Check out these exercises:

1. Goblet Squat

For this exercise, you will make a v-shape with both of your arms so that the palm of each hand is supporting the weight held in front of your chest. You will start by standing up straight. Then, keeping your legs straight, lower your body so that your butt falls to your calves. Make sure that your back is not bent, and repeat the up and down motions slowly.

2. Crunches

Lay down flat on your back and make a v-shape with your legs so that your knees are higher than your head. Your feet should never leave the ground. With your hands behind your head, slowly lift your head so that you can see right over your chest.

3. Leg Raise

Lay flat on your back with your arms next to your sides and legs touching. You want to keep your legs connected and lift them straight up in the air ten times.

4. Squat

This exercise uses the same form as #1, without the added weight.

5. Lunges

You will begin by standing up straight with your arms by your side. You can choose to hold a dumbbell in each hand. You will take one leg and make a ninety-degree angle, and your other leg will also be bent at a ninety-degree angle extending behind your back with just your knee and toes touching the ground. Take turns stretching out each leg while keeping your back straight.

6. Plank

A plank is similar to a pushup except you will not be pushing off of the ground with your arms. Instead, make an obtuse angle with your arms so that they can hold the body up off of the ground. The only parts of your body that should be touching the ground are your toes and forearms. You will hold this position for as long as you can.

7. Pushup

You want to use your arms to push off the ground and then catch the body when it falls back down. Make sure that your chest gets as close to the ground as possible with each rep.

If you found these exercises helpful, help us motivate others by sending this article to your friends and family members. What is your favorite exercise for maintaining good posture? We would love to hear about it!