7 Reminders For Anyone Who Is Currently Dealing With A Breakup

May 22, 2018 by apost team

You have been through a lot. Give yourself a break and remember these reminders to help you move on!

1. It's not the end.

Although it may feel like such a waste of time and like a dead end, trust me, it will only get better from here. The love in your heart is not over, your whole life is waiting for you, and you will just become better and stronger.


2. Pamper yourself.

Why do you have to wait for someone else to buy you gifts or take you out for long walks? Take charge of things and spoil yourself. You deserve the best of things.

3. You do not need someone else to make you happy.

Sharing is caring, but at the end of the day, no one can make you as happy as you. You are the hero of your life. You don't need anyone to complete you. And you need to love yourself more than ever.

4. He/She does not make or break you.

Your partner doesn't define who you are. You were the same fantastic person before you loved them and you will be awesome after they have left.

5. Allow yourself to heal.

It might take weeks, months or even a year but you will move on. What you feel right now will soon pass away, as long as you open your heart and allow it to heal.

6. Don't rush yourself to find love again.

Being single doesn't necessarily mean that you are looking for a partner. Give yourself some much needed time and do things which you could not do because you were in a relationship. Use this time to get closer to yourself.

7. Love will find a way.

You are a good human being. It's true that nobody is perfect, but there are so many beautiful reasons to fall in love with you. Stop focussing on your flaws and remind yourself of your good qualities.

Make sure you show this article to the people who need to hear this advice :)