7 Reasons Why Crying Is A Sign Of Strength
Aug 27, 2018 by apost team
We all know that tears and crying happen when we get upset. However, there is more to crying, and it's all good.
Three types of tears exist. The one type is the tears that run out of the eyes to protect people from infections. The other type of tears are the ones that flow out as a response to foreign objects. The third type of tears are the ones that come out when we are in emotional pain. Such tears are referred to as crying. Over the years, people have had varying opinions about crying and often think that it was only for weak individuals. To the contrary, crying can be a sense of real strength. Here are seven reasons why.
1. Tears Can Help Release Pain And Grief

Tears are actually a good thing for a person who is in pain or grieving. When a person cries, that person releases the pain and negative energy that's inside of the body. That helps the individual to move past the situation. Holding it in would do nothing but cause it to eat up the person from the inside. That inner turmoil can cause a lot of unnecessary conditions to emerge.

2. Tears Are Healthy

Tears are not just rivers of water that come from the eyes of a person who is in pain. Tears come out for health reasons too. They help to fight bacteria that often attack the eyes in public places. Tears also flush foreign objects from the eyes. So overall they are beneficial health wise. It's good to shed a few tears now and then.
3. Tears Release And Remove Stress

Crying can be an excellent stress reliever because the mechanics of it causes changes to occur in the body. When a person cries, they release stress hormones that can almost instantly make them feel better. That's why people say that they felt much better after they had a "good cry." A lot of them feel relaxed and relieved after they cry. How can crying be a bad thing if it brings results like that?
4. They Help Process Grief

Crying is a sign that a person is processing his or her grief correctly. It's natural for a person to be upset after losing a loved one, ending a relationship or experiencing some type of different emotional pain. No one should ever have to hold back tears because this would halt their healing process and may even be harmful.
5. They Help Depressed People Feel Better

Tears are excellent helpers when it comes to depression. Crying can be an excellent emotional and mental health regulator. Just the act of it helps to balance the highs and the lows and bring all of that to a happy medium. It's not wrong for a depressed person to shed tears. It can actually be helpful for their current condition. Many people are able to return to their activities and function better once they take a few minutes to shed those tears.
6. They Help Us Know How We Feel

Sometimes people have no idea how they feel, but then they realize how they feel once they start crying. Crying can happen when people feel overwhelmed, sad, and scared, among other emotions. It can help a person to grab hold of himself or herself and start thinking of strategies to face life's challenges.
7. Tears Make Your Head A Bit Clearer

Have you ever suddenly started crying because you were unsure of how you felt? Sometimes life becomes overwhelming and all we can do is cry to let our emotions out. Since a good cry can help relieve stress, you may find yourself thinking a little bit clearer and come up with good ideas and ways to express yourself. Think of crying like a palette cleanser.
The next time you get ready to cry, don't be afraid to do so. You don't have to do it in public if you're not comfortable with that. You can go in the privacy of your own home and cry until your body doesn't need to cry anymore. It will let you know when it's done. You will most likely feel better, and then you will be able to carry on with your life or whatever you were doing. Be sure to tell your loved ones about this list of positive notes about crying and remember that it is a natural act that is no sign of weakness of any kind.