7 Reasons It’s Normal To Hate Others As You Grow Older
Jun 03, 2018 by apost team
It’s normal to start out in life loving the people around us. As we get older, situations change, and you may find that it is much harder to care about people like you once did. You may find them to be annoying and you only want to be around people you are close to.
So why does it happen? Why do we become less and less social as we age?
1. We Don’t Want To Deal With BS
When you are young it is easy to have time and patience with others. We tolerate nonsense and even get a kick out of it. But as we get older we find this BS tiresome and unnecessary. Our lives are more complicated and we don’t want to deal with anyone’s stupidity anymore.
2. We Get Set In Our Ways
We like to try out new things when we are young. We want new opportunities and activities and actively seek them out. As we get older, our ideas and thoughts become set on certain values and lifestyles. We aren’t looking to change anything and are happy with who and what we already know.
3. We Don’t Need New Friends
When we were younger, we would always make an effort to look for new friends. We took this as a way to experience more and were eager to meet others from different cultures and lifestyles. But we don’t need as many friends and acquaintances as we get older as we once did. Since we have already experienced quite a bit we don’t need to seek out more people to hang out with. We already know who our closest friends are and we are happy with them!
4. We Like Our Lives The Way They Are
It’s normal to want the approval of others when we are younger. We want to fit in and we are easily influenced by those who are around us. We are open to a more social lifestyle. At a certain age, however, we are set in the way that we want our lives to go. We are happy living the way we are and we don’t need any outside influences telling us differently. We don’t like the drama that comes with a large group of people and we start to see others as a nuisance.
5. We Stop Trusting As Easily
We often see the world through rose-colored glasses when we are young. We trust people and believe in them and think that everyone has a good side, no matter what! We are vulnerable and often end up trusting people we shouldn’t. This changes when we get older. We have been burned by people we trusted and we do not believe in people like we used to. We realize that there are only a few people worthy of our trust now that we are older.
6. We Don’t Care About Trivialities
Younger men and women are more likely to get caught up in the gossip and drama of life. We deal with the shallower issues of life with more patience. We go with the flow and are ready to take life easy. As we age, we take pleasure in the deeper meaning of life. We guard our time and don’t want to take part in matters that are trivial to us now. We want what we want and not anything else!
7. We Have Priorities
Being young means experimentation, learning, and failing. We don’t know exactly what we want so we may set numerous goals for ourselves. We don’t have as many priorities at this point in life. When we get older we know exactly what we want. We know what matters most and we have no problem setting up boundaries. Our priorities have shifted towards the more meaningful things in life and we are perfectly OK with that.
It’s OK to change when you get older. Not wanting to be around people doesn’t necessarily mean you are a bad person, it just means you aren’t a kid anymore! Enjoy your newfound wisdom and maturity and appreciate the life that you are leading!
Do you feel this way about the people in your life? Can you relate to this article? Let us know what you think in the comments!