7 Health Benefits Of Farting
Sep 14, 2018 by apost team
Never let anyone shame you into farting again. You're being perfectly healthy and they should be jealous!
The Fart Facts cite that men and women fart on average 14 times a day. Our farts are composed of the following:
- 59% nitrogen
- 21% hydrogen
- 9% carbon dioxide
- 7% methane
- 4% oxygen
- 1% hydrogen sulfide (this is where the rotting egg smell comes from!)
Though unpleasant at times, farting is really healthy. Here are 7 reasons why!
1. Reduces Bloating

Did you ever feel so pregnant after eating only to fart a couple times and feel so much lighter? Digestion puffs you up with lots of gas, so when you expel farts, you look a lot better. Don't hold it in!

2. A Balanced Diet

Everyone should aim for a high-carb low-fat diet since that will give you the best quality of life. Your farts are onto you when you eat something you shouldn't! When you eat red meat, your farts will be stinky.
When you eat whole grains, you may fart more, but the smell will be odorless. Be in tune with your farts to know if your body is getting the right nutrients.
3. Abdominal Relief

People can experience a lot of stomach pain. Farting can make it all go away. If you have sharp pains in your stomach region, you may have some trapped gas.
Lay on your back and rub your stomach in a clockwise motion starting from your belly button then expanding further out. This will help you fart the pain away!
4. Protects Colon

Doctors warn anyone with colon issues not to hold in their farts. No one should because holding in gas triggers inflammation and can cause hemorrhoids to flare up.
5. Smelling Makes You Healthier

You read that correctly. Next time you fart, breathe deeply. You might be too proud to admit that you like the smell of your own farts, but everyone secretly does! This may be because our bodies know the benefits of smelling them.
The hydrogen sulfide farts produce may actually strengthen our mitochondria, which makes us less susceptible to heart disease, arthritis, strokes, and more.
6. Food Allergies

Your farts are trying to communicate with you. On top of being a gauge for the quality of your diet, if you have an allergy, your farts will tell you.
People who have undiagnosed lactose intolerance or Celiac disease will fart a lot more after they ingest the food allergy.
7. It Feels Amazing

Don't deny the pleasure of passing gas. We all relish it. However, if you feel like you're farting too much, try exercising more, avoiding artificial sweeteners, eating slower, and seeing a doctor if you're worried you have a medical condition. Otherwise, happy farting!
Make sure all your friends who have tried to embarrass you know the power of your farts!
Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!