67-Year-Old Known As 'World’s Most Beautiful Grandmother' Stuns Viewers When She Turns Around

Mar 17, 2021 by apost team

Civilization has always been particularly obsessed with aging. Most people have been taught to fear becoming older, scared of all the things that come with age — wrinkles, grey hair, extra weight and the loss of an irretrievable youthful glow. Women go to especially extreme lengths to fight off time and age as long as they can due to the societal pressures they face.

Despite those considerations, there are so many examples of humans aging gracefully — humans that are perhaps even happier now than when they were young.

Meet Yazemeenah Rossi, a woman who hasn't let her age get in the way. She is a French model who has earned the title of the "world's most beautiful grandmother." She is known for her bright white hair, which she lovingly refers to as her moon hair. She even embraces her wrinkles. Unlike most models, Rossi did not begin her career as a young girl. Instead, she was a late bloomer who has been proving for years that anyone can be a model.

Rossi is an inspiration to women everywhere who find they feel less beautiful with age. Her remarkable appearance is living proof that age only has power over you if you let it.

Between Rossi's lifestyle, her personal philosophy and her positive attitude, it is no surprise she looks as gorgeous as she does today. Rossi is an inspiration to women everywhere who find they feel less beautiful with age. Her remarkable appearance is living proof that age only has power over you if you let it.

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For someone who looks so glamorous later in life, Rossi has recently revealed that her life used to be anything but beautiful. In an interview with The Guardian, Rossi opened up about her life before she got her big break in modeling. She was born in Corsica, an island rich with history and culture. As magical as a Mediterranean island may sound, however, Rossi's childhood was full of obstacles. Primarily raised by her grandparents, the family went without the modern comforts of running water or electricity. This was probably where Rossi first began her lifelong love of nature and its beauty.

Things took an even rougher turn when Rossi became pregnant at only 16 years of age. According to The Guardian, she felt she couldn't turn to her parents for help, as their relationship was already strained. Instead, she quickly married the baby's father and soon after moved to Paris, where they had another baby just a few years later. The way Rossi tells it, this period of her life was one of the most miserable for her. Unlike most women in their 20s, Rossi had no time or freedom to enjoy life, discover herself or relish in the beauties of the world. She was unhappy, likening her lifestyle to what felt like a prison sentence.

It wasn't until she was older and nearing her 30s that Rossi realized she couldn't waste any more of her life. She promptly got a divorce and got to work. The kind of work she began — no one could have seen it coming.


A Beautiful Accident

Unlike ambitious girls who dream of becoming models, Rossi stumbled upon her calling mostly by accident. A good friend of hers was looking for a model on short notice and Rossi stepped in to help. Working the catwalk is one of the more notoriously difficult parts of modeling. Plus, if that wasn't enough pressure, the walk was during none other than Paris Fashion Week. Nonetheless, Rossi impressed the designer and others working on the show, and she kept modeling after that. What was most unusual about Rossi's experience was that she was almost 30 at the time, an age when most models are retiring. For Rossi, it was just the beginning of her modeling days, however.

Throughout the next few years, Rossi was working for big clients, such as YSL and Hermés. It was difficult, sometimes painful work, but she persevered through the tough industry, satisfied that she was providing for her children. The work eventually inspired her to move overseas from France to New York City. There she would begin working for the Ford Modeling Agency.

By this time, Rossi's hair had gone completely white. This was often a large conversation starter with those who wanted to book her for different jobs. Though that conversation did not always go well, Rossi's hair became something of a signature look that would become a trend decades later. It was during her modeling stint in the U.S. that Rossi was able to find power in expressing herself without shame. In many ways, it seems that it was her determination and positivity, in addition to her beauty, that helped her find success despite the odds.

A Stubborn Industry

Rossi's presence in the modeling industry is undoubtedly an inspiration for many. Her popularity and success at her age show that people are eager to see different bodies, ages and faces represented worldwide. After celebrating her birthday, Rossi hit 315,000 followers on Instagram. The world obviously seems to love Rossi, and it seems to want more models like her.

However, Rossi says that the modeling industry overall has surprised her by hardly improving over the years. She told Vice in her interview, "There was a time, some years ago, when I started to think things would gradually begin to change and we'd start to see more older models, but that did not happen." Rossi went on to say that she suspects large brands want audiences to associate their products with youth. They want to appear trendy and relevant, even if their clientele is in fact older. As a result, brands overlook older models despite the consumer desire to see them more often.

However, Rossi remains just as stubborn as the industry that has often tried coercing her to dye her hair or get plastic surgery. Throughout her 30-year-old modeling career, Rossi has refused to alter her physical appearance unnaturally. She says that cosmetic surgery might be the right choice for some people, but that "going under the knife when (she's) perfectly healthy doesn't make much sense."

She has also expressed a deep love and affection for her hair and has refused large contracts that demanded she dye it. She is determined to continue pursuing more on-screen roles where she can share her truth and philosophy with more women. In a recent interview, she told The Guardian, "Life is just beginning and I don’t know what’s going to happen." 

Her Secret(s) To Staying Young

People often ask Rossi how she is able to maintain her impeccable appearance despite her age. Whenever anyone asks Rossi how she is able to compete in such a youth-obsessed industry, her answers are typically consistent. In an interview with Vice, she calls youth "a state of mind." She goes on to emphasize the importance of being in touch with your inner child. "You need to have a playful, adventurous, curious spirit. And you need to rid yourself of fear. It's fear that makes you grow old."

She also attributes much of her beauty to her wellness-focused lifestyle. Rossi has practiced yoga for over 30 years and often attributes the practice to her physical appearance. There definitely is something to yoga being a secret key to youthfulness. Yoga not only helps with weight loss — it can also help prevent painful conditions, such as arthritis, and is also a well-known stress reducer. According to Psychology Today, monitoring and maintaining stress levels through acts of meditation, such as yoga, can combat signs of aging drastically.

In the same style, Rossi lives her life very spiritually and has a close relationship with nature. She has always been close to nature and says that being in tune with it is an essential part of her balanced lifestyle. The last thing that she says deserves credit for her appearance is her diet. Rossi told Vice that she has never starved herself or gone through intense, restrictive dieting. Instead, she focuses on balance and maintains a healthy diet that makes her feel good.

Rossi's Impact And Platform

Having spent half her life succeeding in such a harsh industry, Rossi has no plans of slowing down. She consistently uses her platforms on social media to speak to her audience about different topics in hopes of inspiring them. Through these discussions, Rossi is able to reach thousands of women and help them through the complicated process of aging in a healthy way.

Rossi also remains an active photographer herself, claiming that seeing photographs of herself as a model being retouched or edited used to frustrate her.

"In 2000, I started taking my first self-portraits in New York, it frustrated me not to recognize myself in some of the retouched photos in my portfolio!" the model explains on her website.

By creating exhibitions where she has performed both behind and in front of the lens, Rossi can express and celebrate natural, uninhibited beauty. She has explored a variety of different formats, from portraits to landscapes. 

Even with all her additional projects and ventures, Rossi is still most well known for being the "world's most beautiful grandmother." It is difficult to look at Rossi and not be blown away by her stunning beauty. Despite now being in her 60s, Rossi looks healthier, happier and more glamorous than some people do in their youth. She is certainly the kind of model who you look at and wish you could have her life.

Seeing Rossi stay so vibrant and active in the career she loves is inspiring. It shows that there is much room for the modeling industry to grow and that age is nothing to fear!

What do you think of the one-of-a-kind Yazemeenah Rossi? Be sure to show this article to someone in your life who might be inspired by Rossi's beauty!

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