63-Year-Old Woman’s New Look From Makeover Guy Makes Her Look Like A Movie Star
Jan 25, 2020 by apost team
Sometimes, relationships with our hair can be complicated. One day we love it and want to keep it forever, and the next day we want to chop it all off or dye it a crazy color. Sometimes we want to grow it until it reaches the floor, and sometimes we want to rock a short pixie cut. For Karen from Andover, Minnesota, it was time for her to cut her long locks, but what she didn't know is how her husband and daughter would react.

Many adults have grown their hair out from childhood, and once they get older, they’re afraid to cut it because they have never seen themselves without the long strands. But having long hair has downfalls too.
It can be heavy enough to be uncomfortable, be a pain to manage and maintain, and can even weigh so much that it puts excess strain on your neck and shoulder areas. That’s why Karen decided that it was time to make the chop for good!


And who better to call for the job than the Makeover Guy? The Makeover Guy, whose name is Christopher Hopkins, specializes in beauty makeovers. His page posted this video of Karen and her wowing makeover. Karen had been growing her hair out since the first grade.
Her mother gave her a pixie cut which Karen hated, so she vowed never to cut it again until she met the Makeover Guy.
Now that she’s 63, she decided that she is long overdue for a change of pace. Karen’s hair texture was wavy and ripply, indicating that she might have a beautiful natural curl if the hair wasn’t so weighed down by length. Thankfully, the Makeover Guy, was here to help! He has become famous for his incredible transformations with clients, and Karen’s transformation was no exception!

Instead of being weighed down by her perpetual locks, the Makeover Guy decided to transform Karen’s hair into a beautiful shoulder-length unique bob that had plenty of movement and flow. As an added bonus, she also got some fringe that helped frame her face.
The Makeover guy also gave Karen a fresh face of makeup that made her eyes and smile pop. And when Karen finally got to see her transformation, she was floored by the results! In the video, she says she feels "fabulous, sexy, over-the-top gorgeous, ready to hit the road running." But no one’s reaction was better than that of Karen’s husband and daughter.

When they walked into the room and got to see her for the first time, they were in awe of her beauty. Karen's daughter said to her, "You look awesome! I don't feel like I'm looking at my mom, you look great." Then, her daughter covered her face and started to tear up.
Her husband exclaimed, "Fantastic, Karen, that's you!?" It seems like Christopher Hopkins, the Makeover Guy, has done it again with his brilliant skill and eye for transformations. You can watch more about Karen’s hair journey in the video below.
Did you love Karen's beauty transformation as much as we did? Tell us in the comments below. Send this article to any friend or family member who you think needs to know about the Makeover Guy and his beauty reinventions.