60 Men Come In And Out Of Woman's Home Night After Night - And Beeline Straight To Her Bedroom Every TIme

Oct 03, 2018 by apost team

Kathy Felt is one of the millions of people living with multiple sclerosis. This is a disease that affects the tissue in one's body. Kathy had been managing her illness just fine up until a few years ago. It was getting to the point where it was difficult for her to get in and out of bed.

Going to an assisted living facility is a common option at this point. Kathy was reluctant to do so. She just loved being in her Utah home, where everything was familiar and safe. Her sons were able to step in and assist Kathy during the day, but it was difficult for them to step in for Kathy's routine at night.


One night, Kathy heard a knock at her door. She opened it to see one of her neighbors. He was familiar with Kathy's illness and had come up with a solution. It seemed like an insane suggestion, but at that point, Kathy was willing to try just about anything.

She started crying when she heard what her neighbor had in mind. Kathy described it as a "miracle."

Sixty men from the neighboring area joined together to help Kathy. They felt "called" to do so. They take turns helping Kathy with her nighttime routine. The men are all strong enough to help lift her in and out of bed.

The men have a purpose beyond this practical care. A big part of nursing is also the human element. Kathy's neighbors also keep her company. This is another big help, as living alone can make people, well, lonely.

Kathy's miracle has inspired millions. She is so grateful to feel safe and loved this way. This is truly a "Good Samaritan" act of grace.

What do you think of Kathy's story? Let us know in the comments! Show this story to your friends and family to encourage them to think of Kathy the next time they notice someone in need. Always pay it forward!