6 Things You Should Know When Caring For Succulents
Sep 28, 2018 by apost team
If you are the owner of a succulent, there are a few simple tricks that you need to know. While some people say that succulents are impossible to kill, this is unfortunately not true. They might be resilient, but they still need proper care to stay alive.
1. Go for Terra Cotta
When you buy a succulent, it is normally sold in a plastic container. Unfortunately, this plastic pot is not the best option for your succulent.
Most likely, the succulent is already getting too big for the pot.
This means that it will dry out too slowly and be unable to spread its roots.
Succulent roots want to dry out quickly. Plus, the right pot will give your plant the airflow it needs.
If the soil remains wet for too long, the roots will start to rot. A terracotta pot is a perfect option for a succulent. It allows the roots to quickly dry and is breathable. Plus, it can absorb some of the water from the soil.
Buy a terra cotta pot that is a couple of inches larger than your current pot.
Whatever you do, skip out on the glass pots. These might look beautiful in an Instagram photo, but they will not let you succulents drain properly.
2. Pick the Right Soil
Picking the right soil can make a huge difference in the health of your plants.
Since you have to replant your succulent in a terra cotta pot, this is a good time to replace the soil mixture.
Regular potting soil does not dry fast enough for your succulents. Instead, add a little perlite or sand to the soil. This will make the soil a bit more porous.
If you do not have any potting soil on hand, go to the store and get some cactus soil.
This type of soil is perfect for drainage. If you really want to make a succulent-worthy soil, buy turface, pine bark fines, and crushed granite.
Blend these together in equal parts to make the perfect soil.
3. Water Whenever the Soil Is Dry
It seems like watering succulents is a perennial problem. People either wait too long to douse their plants or overwater it.
The best option is to water your succulents soil until water starts to leak out of the drainage hole.
Then, avoid watering it until the soil has dried out completely.
Whatever you do, avoid overwatering your succulent.
This will make the roots rot and eventually kill the plant. It is far better to underwater your plants than overwater them.
Depending on the plant, the soil may take about a week to dry out. Large succulents may take a month to dry out enough to be watered again.
4. Get a Watering Can
Some plants like to be misted with a spray bottle. Succulents are not a part of that group.
The succulent needs water around its roots. Use a watering can to water the roots of the plant, but you should make sure to avoid the leaves.
If you get too much water on the leaves, it will end up making them mushy and flat.
5. Give It Some Sun
Like every other plant, succulents need sun. Most succulents are from the desert, so they really like to have a lot of sun.
Full sun is the best, but they can also survive in medium, filtered light. If you are keeping them indoors, put them in a south-facing window that gets sun throughout the day.
Succulents that are purple, orange or brightly colored actually want more sun.
When you plan on growing succulents indoors, your best bet is to go for a green, zebra, panda or jade plant.
6. Watch for Danger Signs
If you are worried about dead leaves on the bottom of the plant, you can relax. These dead leaves are totally normal and can be pruned off gently. If the leaves are falling off whenever you bump it, you might have a problem.
Yellow, mushy or transparent leaves are a sign that you are overwatering the plants.
Likewise, black spots are another sign of overwatering.
If you get black spots on the plant, cut off the top of the plant and remove the black spots. Then, let the plant drive for five days before propagating the cutting into new soil.
If the leaves begin to dry out or wrinkle, it is a sign that you need to water the plant.
Water the soil until water starts to drip out of the drainage hole. As long as you catch it in time, your plant should recover within a few watering cycles.
Help your friends have amazingly beautiful succulents by giving them these six easy tips. What do you think about succulents in your room? Do you like them - if yes tell us in the comments!