6 Things You Need To Stop Saying Forever

Jul 09, 2018 by apost team

Often we don't realize how much weight our words have, and we often throw around phrases without noticing how much they impact ourselves and those around us. It's important to adopt a positive way of thinking and speaking, though it may not always be simple. 

Here is a list of words and phrases you can try to eliminate from your speech to get on the path to positivity!

1. "I can't."

Have these words escaped your lips? Perhaps it was thinking of the daunting task of joining a gym. Or, better yet, it was the phrase you muttered when taking on new responsibilities within your career. Whatever your case may be, using the word "can't" will dramatically diminish your odds at success and leading the kind of life you want. Although we're not advocating that you turn into a person that can never say "no," we encourage you to take a plunge and switch up your routine.


2. "Later!"

"Procrastination sucks and you shouldn't do it." - Albert Einstein. Alright, maybe Albert never said this but it should be understood: the future never comes and you should do that task now! Procrastination, not failure, is the biggest plague within our society today. What would have happened if the Apollo 11 astronauts that walked on the moon said they'd do it another time? Our inability to think into the future often plagues our current circumstances because we're hardwired for instant gratification. Instead, tackle challenges head on and with great haste.

3. "But, but, but..."

We all have a butt, but we shouldn't use the word "but" when talking about goals and aspirations we have for ourselves. Ask yourself this: how many times have you said "yeah, but..." when referring to an obstacle or task that you know would lead to a positive outcome? If you're like most of us, the "yeah, but" syndrome has reduced your chances of reaching the next level in your life. Kick your butt and get rid of the "but" in your vocabulary and see how quickly your results begin to soar.

4. "Yeah, but I have to... "

One of the biggest errors in vocabulary comes when we ignore critical actions for self-imposed actions that don't benefit us in the long run. What would have happened if Columbus said "yeah, but I have to take a nap." before going out on his voyage? If you've caught yourself making an excuse to get out of burdensome tasks, cut it out! You may be shocked how powerful those words can be.

5. "Never"

If you say "never," you're never going to make it. Although that sounds harsh, using the word "never" will hold you back and create false limitations on your abilities. Ever experienced a moment where you performed a task or job you didn't know you were capable of? That's what happens when you kick "never" to the curb!

6. "Just"

Along with "never," using the word "just" hinders your confidence and sets you back a pace in personal and professional achievements. Being just enough indicates to others that you're unqualified and need more time to gain expertise before performing a task. Would you visit a surgeon that just got the job?

As you can clearly see, language is one of the fundamental components of how we operate our lives. The words that we routinely speak to others, tell ourselves and use in daily communications can, quite literally, make or break our success. Monitor your language over the next seven days and see how influential your language can be.

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