6 Synchronistic Connections Fated By The Universe
May 23, 2018 by apost team
If you've ever met a person and felt instantly tuned into their energy, you have experienced a synchronistic connection. A synchronistic connection occurs when a coincidental event has deeply meaningful and long-lasting ripples throughout your life. Different kinds of synchronistic connections have different purposes, and below you'll learn about six of the most common varieties.
1. People Who Are Along For The Journey

These people are in it for the long haul and you will share many cherished memories of time spent together. More than fair-weather friends, your powerful connection means they'll be there for you when you need them the most.

2. People Who Are There For A Moment
Our world can seem intimidating, but a meaningful exchange with a stranger offers an instant feeling of interconnection. Whether you lock eyes on the subway or chat in line at the store, these moments let you know that you're not as isolated as you think.
3. People Who Help You Progress
When you meet a person who helps to demystify your true self and take steps towards living authentically, you've experienced a synchronistic connection. By helping you to become your best self, this kind of person clarifies your path to success and happiness.
4. People Who Ground You

Individuals in this category keep you in touch with the things that matter. Whether they help you to understand a piece of wisdom or turn your eyes towards your passion, their footprints will forever remain in your spirit.
5. People Who Pass Through
With you for between an instant and a lifetime, these people serve a specific purpose. It could be a star-crossed romance, a friendship broken by distance, or a former workplace mentor. In these bittersweet moments, focus on your growth and what you've learned.
6. People Who Teach Hard-Won Lessons
Not all synchronistic connections are positive. Sometimes, people present challenges we must overcome. You might wish they never came into your life at all, but confronting negativity teaches you to find strength in adversity.
We hope this article has helped you clarify the roles each person in your life has played, whether now or in the past. As you forge and break connections, remember that everything happens for a reason. Tell your friends and family what you've learned about synchronistic connections so they can have the same gift of insight, or let us know about meaningful relationships you've had that felt fated from the start.