6 Signs You're Dating The Wrong Person
Oct 01, 2018 by apost team
Finding the person you plan to be with for the rest of your life isn’t easy. It often involves a process that takes years of dealing with the wrong people, sometimes over and over again.
Trial and error is usually the only way to discover if you are indeed making a mistake when it comes to relationships. While it doesn’t seem logical, it is effective in many ways. The first few weeks or months of any new relationship can be very confusing. Many people like to call this time the “honeymoon phase,” as this is the time in a relationship that we are usually laughing and giddy from the newness of it all. You can often get by being happy with this phase for a brief period of time. However, infatuation fades and the newness of the relationship will wear off. If you cannot connect over more meaningful things, then this person may not be the right one for you.
We have put together six things that you may notice happening in a new relationship. If they do, you may have to accept that you are dating the wrong person and should move on before it gets worse.

1. You start feeling annoyed and resentful around them

Every partner gets annoyed with their significant other at one point or another. However, when you realize that small things about your partner annoy you all of the time, this is a red flag. If you notice you keep getting angry or resentful when your partner is around, especially when it has to do with issues they cannot help, you have to stop and consider whether your relationship is going to work or not.
2. You blame each other

You start to notice that every other conversation starts a fight, and each time you end up blaming each other for whatever infraction is brought up. When you try and talk about your issues and problems you blame each other no matter what the topic. This is a red flag. Couples should be able to look at themselves and take the blame when blame is due.
3. You cannot find common ground

You think back to the times when you had activities that you enjoyed doing together. But now, it seems as though you really don’t have much in common at all. When you suggest an activity or event to enjoy with your significant other, they don’t act interested. Sometimes you start out a relationship with a very strong physical attraction. When it sizzles out, there is no substance left. That’s when you may decide it is ready to part ways.
4. You feel like someone else

It starts to feel like you spend way too much time figuring out different ways to make your relationship actually work, but it ends up being all in vain. You can tell you aren’t acting like yourself. You realize you are unhappy and stressed a lot of the time because of the sacrifices you are making in the relationship. When you are in a good relationship you should each grow into a better person, not a person you don’t recognize at all.
5. You think about being with someone else

You may not be actively fantasizing about being with other people, but the thoughts pop into your head when you are dreaming or zoning out. If you are constantly toying with the idea of being with another person, this is a big red flag that you shouldn’t be with your current significant other. You may not be able to help the thoughts, but they do mean something.
6. You have given up

One of the biggest red flags for a failed relationship is not hatred, it is indifference. You may feel a little sad when you think about the relationship ending. However, if you don’t care one way or another about moving on, it may be time to go. When you have pure apathy towards the relationship or partner in general, this means you are over any attachment you have previously felt towards them. Don’t waste any more of their time if this is how you feel. Let them go and you can both go on to find the right one.
Don’t feel bad about leaving a relationship that is going nowhere. Everyone deserves to be loved and appreciated in their relationship. If you have found that these six red flags are happening way too often, it is time to consider moving on. You’ll both be happy if you do-maybe not right away, but down the road when you find the right person to share your life with.
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