6 Dancers Hold Hands On Stage But When Their Feet Start Moving Their Clogging Routine Takes Internet By Storm
Sep 18, 2018 by apost team
You might not know this, but the culture of Canada is filled with activities like step dancing as well as fiddling. This is because of the generations of immigrants that have come to the area from parts of the world like Ireland, France, and even Scotland. Because of this, Canada is filled with dance studios that teach the cultural activity of Irish dancing.
Although there are many different styles of dance that people can choose to learn, the popularity of Irish step dancing is only growing each year. The dance style is especially popular with children, and many kids get their first start at the sport of dancing with these Irish dance lessons. Sometimes people like to make the dance style their own, adding a unique flair to the traditional and cultural tradition. One twist that people like to put on Irish dancing is to develop and perform an acapella segment using clogging!
What's so interesting about this type of dance is that the only sound that can be heard from the scene comes from the dancer’s feet clogging on the floor!
In this particular style of dance, participants make varying noises with the metal bottoms of their clogging shoes. Some of these sounds can be crystal clear and solid, and some of them can be extremely light taps that can barely be heard, but make a huge impact on the routine overall!
The choreography can vary greatly, ranging from the dancers making all of the same sounds simultaneously to each dancer making a different sound in order to come together and make beautiful music.
It’s an extremely unique approach to dancing, and there’s nothing quite like it!
Female students from Sue Fay Healy Irish Dance Studio, located in Ontario, Canada performed an amazing Irish dance piece in the acapella style that has become so popular. The sounds of their tapping feet create such an interesting and unique type of sound while dancing that it almost sounds like you’re listening to a piece of percussion instruments! Not only is this routine pleasing to the ears, but it’s also fantastic to witness! Their dance moves are completely synchronized, proving just how hard they worked on this routine.
Watch their performance in the video below to see the amazing and entertaining piece for yourself!
What do you think about this style of dance? Would you consider joining an Irish dance class?