6 Characteristics All Narcissists Have In Common
Jun 27, 2018 by apost team
Determining whether someone who know is a narcissist may not be as difficult as you initially may believe. Although there are no certain tests to identify narcissism, there are many characteristics you can be on the lookout for. Read below for a list of the most common narcissistic traits.
1. Perfectionism

A true narcissist has an obsession with making sure ever last detail of their life is how they picture it. This includes events such as birthdays, holidays and vacations. If a tiny detail does not meet their high expectations, they may become unsettled or even angry and will take it out on you. Being in control of their life is extremely important to them. It is completely possible that they perceive everyone as actors in a movie and they are the directors. If a line is misread or a que was missed, this could truly upset a narcissist.

2. Entitlement

Feeling superior is where a narcissist feels the safest. This would require you to feed them constant praise and attention in the same way a young child regularly demands acknowledgement. Unfortunately, they are never satisfied because they hate themselves and no amount of praise can heal their secreted insecurity and delicate egos.
3. Cannot take responsibility for their actions

Has someone ever made you feel like you were in the wrong even though you know you weren’t? this is a sure sign you're dealing with a narcissist. Projecting their faults onto someone else demonstrates a lack of accountability. Commonly, a narcissist will blame someone that they are closest to, perhaps because they are less likely to leave.
4. No empathy

A narcissist is defined as a person who is entirely too self involved. As a result, difficulties reading body language is common. They will perceive your body language in one of two ways (depending on their emotions). One way is negatively. For example, if a narcissist feels out of control at the moment, simply saying “i love you” could trigger an angry outburst. Moreover, if they are feeling on top of their hierarchy, they may take an upsetting comment much more lightly. In summary, they are inconsiderate of your feelings and will only react based on their own. Their lack of empathy makes them unpredictable and you will always feel like you’re walking on eggshells around them.
5. Lack of boundaries

A narcissist will try their hardest to persuade you that everything belongs to them. Likewise, they will try to get you to see things their way. There are no limits to what they will do and say to manipulate you into agreeing with them. After all, they are completely convinced that they are right and you are wrong. To illustrate, a narcissist will pout, cry or yell to get their point across.
6. Inability to work as part of a team

We all know teamwork is about sharing, comparing and respecting other people’s ideas. This is a trait narcissists don’t carry. They harbor an everlasting selfishness that prevents them from hearing you out. They only care about what they can personally profit or benefit; not the team as a whole.
Based on these qualities, do you think you have a narcissist in your life? Tell us your experience, and make sure to show this article to your friends to warn them of these signs!