5 Ways To Improve Your Bad Mood In Less Than 5 Minutes
Aug 14, 2018 by apost team
Nothing can make a day worse than being in a bad mood. While everyone will have days where they wake up on the wrong side of the bed, this is no reason to have a bad day. There are five ways that you can improve your mood and attitude in five minutes or less.

Tapping is one of the basic concepts behind acupuncture, which is prescribed to many people that feel stressed and depressed. When you complete a strategic tapping exercise on your body, you can quickly work to eliminate feelings of anger, anxiety, stress, and sadness. By doing just a few rounds of tapping therapy, you can quickly get yourself out of a bad mood and feeling good.

Have a Meal or Snack

One of the most common reasons why people are in a bad mood is because they are hungry. Being hungry can lead to stress and can also alter your blood sugar, which can lead to feelings of agitation. If you are in a bad mood and feel hungry at all, you should have a quick snack or meal. Preferably, you should eat something that is healthy and high in magnesium. You should avoid eating foods that are high in sugar as they can lead to quicker mood swings.

When it comes to reducing stress, the use of aromatherapy is often a great option to choose. There have been a variety of studies completed that have shown that aromatherapy can be a great way to lift the spirits and relax you. When you are looking for a scent, you should focus on something that is relaxing such as lavender, sage, and even mint. All of the ambient scents can have a calming effect immediately.
Quick Walk

Exercise has always been considered a way for someone to reduce depression quickly. However, many people will find that they do not have the time in all situations to get in a full workout. However, you can get many of the same benefits that come with a full exercise workout by simply taking a quick walk outside.
Beyond getting your heart rate up and burning some calories, you can also feel better by simply getting some fresh air. This can help you to calm your nerves and change your perspective.
Give Yourself a Quick Pep Talk

One of the reasons why someone can start to feel down and depressed is because they get into a circle of negative self-talk. While this can be hard to prevent and stop at all times, if you notice that you are doing it, you should try to change the direction of your thought and try to think positively. Some great options to do this can include giving yourself a pep talk that focuses on the positive aspects of your life. This can also be used to help you prepare for a stressful situation that could be impacting your mood.
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