5 Warning Signs That You Lack Enough Oxygen In Your Blood
Aug 28, 2018 by apost team
We don’t have to think about breathing. Our bodies will naturally do it without any persuasion from our minds. In order for us not to breath, we most intentionally force ourselves to do the opposite. To survive on this earth, our bodies must have oxygen. Breathing is only one of things oxygen has a direct impact on. We also need oxygen to properly flow through our bloodstream. Without oxygen flowing through our blood the organs, tissues and cells that work to keep us functioning human beings will not work properly.
A lack of oxygen in the blood is known as hypoxemia.

If you have noticed yourself getting dizzy or weak more often than normal the oxygen levels in your blood may be low. It is common to stand up too quickly and get dizzy as a result. This may happen daily for those who are suffering from low oxygen levels. Your blood needs oxygen to flow properly. Frequent dizziness and weakness are both signs that your blood isn’t getting the oxygen to all of the places within the body that needs oxygen to function.


Being tired surfaces in a variety of ways. Fatigue that is connected to hypoxemia last for long periods of time or seems to never end. This is known as chronic fatigue. Some people commonly express feelings of tiredness way before the day is over. As a result, they opt to sleep more but the feelings of fatigue never go away. Getting tired sooner than normal is an indicator that the oxygen levels in your blood are low.

When your heart is beating fast and you don’t know why, you may be anxious about something. If you aren’t prone to feeling symptoms of anxiety, this could instead be a result of low oxygen levels within the bloodstream. If your blood lacks the right level of oxygen, your heart will work overtime to disperse the oxygen throughout your body to areas in need.

We need oxygen to breath. When we are lacking it, we face problems with breathing. If we are unable to pull enough oxygen into our body, the oxygen supply for our blood will suffer. Shortness of breath has been reported to be caused by a lack of oxygen in the blood even when not participating in anything active.

Have you ever experienced getting a headache as a result of holding your breath? Headaches are experienced every day by people all over the world. How strong these headaches are, vary from person to person. Headaches are normal occurrences. However, when you experience them along with feeling confused, not being able to move properly or with dizziness, oxygen may not be flowing as it should throughout your body. How well you are able to concentrate and manage your movement will be directly determined by oxygen levels in your blood.
Having oxygen levels that are low can cause unavoidable health risks. Visit your doctor to have your oxygen levels examined. The doctor will test to measure your blood oxygen levels. If your levels are low, the doctor will then move on to tests for the common causes of low oxygen in the blood. After tests are completed your doctor can then begin to treat the problems accordingly. Taking the time to have your oxygen levels tested is important, especially if you are concerned that your levels may be low.
Have experienced any of the above symptoms of not having enough oxygen in your blood? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!