5 Things You Can Expect To Happen When You Become Your Own Best Friend
Aug 15, 2018 by apost team
A best friend is someone that can give you a fun time, but also someone who can help you or talk you through your problems. A best friend is usually someone who you have a close relationship with, and typically someone who you care deeply about. While a lot of people can definitively say who their best friend is, many of us do not have a best friend.
This doesn't necessarily mean you don't have any friends, but that you do not have any close enough friend to call them a best friend. Regardless, those who are best friend-less always have to option to make themselves their best friend. In fact, there are 5 pretty interesting things that can happen when you do.
1. You have more time for self-love
One of the first things that will happen when you become your own best friend is an enhanced love of yourself. While loving yourself is an important part of being happy and confident, many people fail to do so. As you become your own best friend, you will spend more time alone. During this time you will learn little things about yourself and how you think, things that you usually wouldn't notice. As this happens, learn to appreciate who you are and love the little things about yourself.
2. Being alone becomes a positive thing
As you become your own best friend and spend more time by yourself, being alone will start to become a positive part of your day. When you are alone, you will start to use this time to become a better version of yourself. As you make strides in doing so, you will appreciate this time. Learning to make good use of your alone time can greatly benefit your overall life.
3. Your outside relationships will benefit
For your outside relationships to prosper, you have to learn a thing or two about what is going on in your own head. As you become your own best friend, you will learn more about the way that you interact in social situations. With some introspective thinking, you can learn about the good and bad things that you do to hurt or benefit your outside relationships. After you have learned these things, you can make changes that you need to in order to benefit each individual relationship that you are a part of.
4. You'll learn what makes you happy
Sometimes, the reason people are unhappy in life is that they are not aware of exactly what makes them happy in the first place. Although it may seem easy, a lot of us struggle to find things that bring us joy. For that reason, being your own best friend can help you learn about the things that make you happy. When you spend some time reflecting and clearing your head, the simple things will become apparent. Typically, a happy life is a simple life that involves you doing what makes you the happiest.
5. You'll have an increased sense of independence
Independence is a characteristic that we all need in order to survive on our own. The idea of doing everything on your own is very scary to some people, and becoming your own best friend can greatly increase your sense of independence. As you spend more time alone getting stuff done on your own, you will start to gain confidence in yourself. As you gain confidence, it will turn into a feeling of security that you can face the world by yourself without the help of anyone else.
Hopefully, this article has given you some motivation to become your own best friend. In doing so, you can make changes to your lifestyle and thinking patterns. These changes typically improve your life, relationships, and self-esteem. Becoming your best friend involves focusing on yourself and doing things that you want to do, rather than focusing on other people or trying to fix other people's problems.
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