5 Things Narcissists And Sociopaths Say to Make You Go Insane

Sep 28, 2018 by apost team

When you think about a psychopath, you might think of Ted Bundy or another serial killer.

It turns out that murderers make up just a small fraction of psychopaths and sociopaths.

The majority of psychopaths seem like completely normal people. They may even do altruistic actions to seem normal to other people.


While a psychopath might look normal, they are social predators. They have no conscience.

A psychopath will do whatever it takes to get ahead. They are often charming and charismatic.

They use this charm to manipulate other people to do what they want. A psychopath will try to seem like the person you want them to be, and they normally succeed. Once they no longer need you, their behavior will change.

They may also start acting crazily if you stop giving them what you want.

If you are around a psychopath for long, you will probably hear some of the following phrases.


1. “You Are Just Over-Analyzing Things”


Your boyfriend did not message you for a week. When he finally reaches out, he tells you that you are over-analyzing it too much. Are you the crazy one? Scenarios like this happen all the time with psychopaths. At the time, you may doubt your sanity. You may believe the psychopath and think that you read too much into the situation. Later on, you will realize that you were entirely right. You were not paranoid or jealous. The psychopath wanted you to doubt your intuition because it places the blame on your shoulders.

2. “I Can't Stand Drama”


For someone who supposedly cannot stand drama, the psychopath seems to cause a lot of it. If you are around a psychopath for long, you will realize that they are a huge source of drama. They are pathological liars, so they are often called out on their falsehoods. When they feel attacked, they will become combative and place the blame on other people.

If you try to express yourself or vent your frustration, the psychopath will tell you that you are causing the drama.

3. “You Are Too Sensitive”


When you are around a psychopath, you are always the person at fault. The psychopath does not genuinely care about anyone else's feelings. If they have had a bad day, they will belittle and insult you to feel better about themselves.

When you finally tell them that their insults hurt you, they will say that you are just too insensitive.

They make you feel like you are the insecure, crazy one.

4. “You Just Don't Understand”


Every friendship or relationship has a misunderstanding from time to time. If you are with a psychopath, these misunderstandings will happen constantly.

Each time, they will suspiciously be your fault. When confronted with clear evidence of wrongdoing, the psychopath will start by telling you just do not understand.

Sometimes, they will deny that the evidence even exists.

5. “You Are Just Jealous or Crazy”

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The psychopath loves to manipulate emotions. When they get caught in a lie, they will try to manipulate your thoughts and feelings. They will say that you are just too jealous, crazy or stressed out. Often, they will use the same adjectives for their former friends and ex-partners.

They refuse to accept that they are the problem, so they have to belittle everyone else instead.


If you are with a psychopath, you need to end the relationship.

The psychopath will only become more manipulative and controlling as the relationship progresses. Delete them from your Facebook account, block their number and move on.

Have you ever dated a psychopath before? How did you manage to get away from them? Pass this on to friends and loved ones, who might need those tips.