5 Signs That Your Life Is About To Experience A Huge Change

Jul 13, 2018 by apost team

It seems like the world is going topsy-turvy these days! You might be going through a lot of frustrating moments yourself right now. Take heart, though. Just when it seems like you've hit rock bottom, everything is already falling into place for you to get back up again. Here are five important signals that your life is going to improve soon!

1. Everything Annoys You


There are so many little things that set you off. You snap at people, you slam doors, you stomp away. There doesn't seem to be a reason behind your anger. That's the reason itself! This is a signal for you to take ownership of your feelings. It's time to make a change for yourself without waiting for others.


2. You Don't Know Where to Turn


Willem Dafoe has a great quote that says "You have to lose yourself to find yourself." Seems kind of silly, right? However, there's more truth to that than you might think. When you're feeling aimless, take a step back. Think carefully about what it is you truly want. Get in tune with your desires so they can start leading the way.

3. You Feel Isolated


It's easy to go into "hermit mode" when you're going through a rough patch. You avoid making plans, you keep visits short, and take awhile to answer texts. Sound familiar? This might be a depressing stage, but it doesn't have to be! Spending time with yourself to get refocused is as important as being social. It's all part of the natural rhythm of life which keeps you from being overwhelmed.

4. You Can't Keep Track of Your Emotions


After this period of isolation, you're ready to tackle new things. All of a sudden everything feels thrilling, and maybe a little uncomfortable, too. Embrace this period of uncertainty because it means your whole world is open at last. Take a chance.

5. Little Coincidences are Everywhere


All things happen for a reason. You might start noticing things that are "too good to be true." Don't take them for granted! The universe is setting up for your success. This is symbolized by clues telling you that you're on the right path. One of these symbols is the number "5," which is the number of balance. You'll see this number everywhere as confirmation of your true direction in life.

Are you in a transition period? Tell us what you find helpful when you're navigating a tricky time, or are trying to support a friend who is. Pass this on to your friends and loved ones. 

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