5 Easy Healthy Habits That Will Extend Your Life
Mar 27, 2018 by apost team
Almost everyone wants to live a long, happy, and healthy life. It doesn’t take much to add years to your lifespan, and it can actually be quite simple.
If you want to age gracefully without having to change too much of your daily routine, then follow these five easy tips!
1. Drink More Water
This isn’t anything new to hear, but chances are you’re not drinking as much water as you should. You need much more than a glass with every meal, and it’s better to start your day with a full glass of water before you dive into your coffee.
2. Make A List Of What You’re Grateful For
Sometimes we forget just how fortunate we are in life, so try to make a list of five things you are most grateful for. Try to write your list first thing in the morning to start your day on a positive note (no pun intended).
3. Eat More Vegetables
The lettuce and pickles on your burger don’t count! Make sure you’re eating at least five cups of vegetables (and fruits!) each day to keep your body in tip-top shape.
4. Do 10 Squats When You Wake Up
This sounds odd, but trust us, it’s worth it! Doing ten squats right after you get out of bed will help your blood circulation and muscles, especially if you’re off to sit at a desk all day.
5. Meditate
Meditation sounds like a pseudo-spiritual waste of time, but it’s a lot more helpful than you may give it credit for! If you like to daydream or think a lot, then meditation may be perfect for you. Meditation gives you the chance to stop, breathe, and unwind. Ten minutes of meditation a day can help reduce stress and boost your overall happiness.
Try out these tips! They’re so easy and guaranteed to add some years to your life. You and your health are so important, so treat yourself well. Pass this info on to the people you love so you can live longer and stronger together :)