45 Ways To Be Intimate Without Having Sex
Jul 20, 2018 by apost team
It seems so easy, so effortless, finding intimacy in a new relationship. However, couples who have been together long-term often find themselves so busy with their day-to-day lives that they lose their sense of connection. That connection is vital, though, to maintain any relationship. For this reason, it really is the responsibility of each person in the relationship to actively work on intimacy. It is also vital for couples to realize that there is so much more to intimacy than just sex. In fact, when couples have intimacy elsewhere, they frequently find that their sex-life becomes effortlessly fulfilling.
If you’re having trouble thinking of ways to enhance the connection you have with your significant other, here are 45 ideas to start with.

1. Rub her shoulders after she’s had a long day.
2. Wash the dishes while she’s in the other room.
3. Hold her hand during a movie.
4. Go get a cheap coffee together and spend an hour just chatting about your day.
5. Go through recipes and create a meal plan for the week together.


6. Tackle grocery shopping as a team.
7. Cook a meal together.
8. Do yard work side-by-side.
9. Start a project together.
10. Get her favorite take-out for movie night.

11. Send her texts about funny things that happen throughout the day.
12. Go shopping with her and help her pick things out.
13. Organize something together.
14. Hold her hand when you're out together.
15. Hug her when she least expects it.

16. Fix her a drink when comes home.
17. Kiss her often, even when in public.
18. Show her off to your friends.
19. Open the door for her.
20. Plan specific date for her, one you know she’ll enjoy.

21. Go on a walk together outdoors.
22. Rub her feet if they’re bothering her.
23. Push her on a swing.
24. Take candid photos of her.
25. Run errands together.

26. Teach her something new.
27. Let her teach you something new.
28. Work on a jigsaw puzzle together.
29. Dance like a fool for her.
30. Go on a picnic together.

31. Run a bath for her.
32. Help her with her to-do list.
33. Put your arms around her whenever you have the chance.
34. Write her heartfelt letters on her birthday and your anniversary.
35. Flirt with her, even in front of others.

36. Take her for a drive with no destination in mind.
37. Plan outings and day trips together.
38. Cuddle her.
39. Let her know you appreciate her and be specific!
40. Listen to her problems without jumping in with a solution.

41. Joke around with her.
42. Take her out to look at the stars.
43. Get out a board game and engage in a little competition.
44. Read a book at the same time so you can discuss it as you go.
45. Find something you share as an interest and research it.
Get together to share your findings. Getting connected with your partner is as easy as spending time with them. You don’t need huge romantic gestures or to spend a lot of money. You need time to chat about your day, your goals, and your worries. You need to actively create memories together and actively try to make your partner’s day a little bit better than it was before. You just have to show her that you two are a team.
Of course, you should not be the only one spoiling your partner. As you open up the doors of intimacy and see romance re-blossoming, you will find she also starts showering you with love as well. Let us know if these tips helped you and don't forget to tell your friends about them!