4-Year-Old Girl Throws Her Dad’s Phone Into The River After He Checks Too Often

Sep 19, 2018 by apost team

Many of us feel as though social media is taking over the world. Not only that, having our phones on us all of the time have caused us to become too attached- we don’t want to put the phone down no matter what. We’ve all been there.

It can be even worse for someone who has a young child that they take care of. Because that child is going to want your attention more often than not. It’s terrible when their parent can’t be bothered to look away from their phone when they want to talk or play.


The Russian rapper Timati learned this the hard way one day when his family was out sailing on the French Riviera.

Timati was talking on the phone as the family was having a good time in Saint-Tropez on a yacht. His daughter, Alisa, was getting mad that she wasn’t getting the attention she wanted.

Alisa decided that she had had enough of the phone. She quickly grabbed it, turned to the river, and threw it overboard. Oh my.

The rapper was in shock as he leaped up and went over to the railing to look for his phone. You can tell he couldn’t believe that she had just done that.

And the little girl? She just smiled as she looked at her father, glad to be rid of that annoying device!

Timati shared the video with more than 12.3 million followers on the social network Instagram. It quickly went viral, gathering almost 5.7million views.

Many viewers believe that the whole clip was staged. Others say that it is the fault of the parents for bringing the little girl up to be disrespectful of the property of others.

Whether staged or not, sassy little Alisa did get her own way. In another picture, her and her father can be seen holding hands and looking off into the water as the yacht sails on. Family bonding is all she wanted in the first place.

If the video was real, it is certainly a lesson for Timati. It’s also a lesson for all of us at home- pay attention to your children and not your phone!

We thought this was just the cutest video ever! If you agree, let us know in the comments and then pass this on to others to watch.