4 Steps To Make Your Brain Completely Let Go Of Negative Thoughts

Jul 30, 2018 by apost team

The human mind is an amazing thing. Our thoughts can manifest in our lives. When you focus on positive thoughts, you bring happiness into your life and let go of suffering. If your mind focuses on negative thoughts, then you bring this kind of attitude into your life. Through four easy steps, you can retrain your mind to let go of negative ideas and thoughts for good.

1. Negative Thoughts Are Merely Unwanted Visitors


When a negative thought appears, it can completely ruin your day. Trying to ignore them only makes you focus on the negative thoughts even more. You cannot just ignore the thoughts and hope that they eventually leave. At the same time, you do not want to develop an attachment to the negative thoughts because your mind will build a dialogue around them. Instead, accept that they are there. Treat the thoughts like an unwanted visitor in your mind. You need to detach from the thoughts if you want to remove the power that they hold over you.


2. Find The Root Cause Of Your Thoughts


The next step is to reflect on your thoughts. Now that you have emotionally separated from your thoughts and become detached, you can judge what causes the thoughts. Are you just upset about someone's behavior? Are your thoughts rooted in fear? Are you concerned about an upcoming project? Some negative thoughts are caused by an overall negative attitude. Other thoughts are directly caused by a person or a situation.

When you figure out the cause, you are able to discover the unresolved issues that affect your life. You cannot avoid these issues if you want to remove negative thoughts. Instead, you need to find the cause and confront it directly.

3. Switch Up Your Body Language


The external world can have an immense impact on your internal mind. You have probably noticed that pretending to be happy for a while will make you forget your sadness. This is not a coincidence. When you smile, your body sends stress-reducing chemicals to the mind. When you act like you are happy or relaxed, your body creates the chemicals to mirror your actions. If you want to be happy and avoid negative thoughts, you have to start by acting like it.

Look at how you are sitting or standing right now. If your shoulders are hunched together, drop your shoulders and stand up straight. If your eyebrows are furrowed, relax them. Your mind is intricately connected to your body. When you act like you feel unhappy or angry, your body reinforces that message.

4. Redirect Your Self-Talk


Our self-talk is an internal dialogue that constantly goes on in the mind. It is like mental chatter that can be about any subject, activity or person. You cannot stop self-talk from happening, but you can make sure that it is positive. You are the person that you are around the most, so your self-talk can have a humongous impact on your mental outlook.

You do not have to ignore that the negative thoughts exist. Instead, use your self-talk, to be honest about how you feel. Accept yourself and be gentle. No one is perfect, so you can only focus on the changes you make in your life. You cannot rewrite the past. Start using reaffirming self-talk and become your own mental cheerleader. Before long, you can rewire the entire way you think about and approach your life.

Do you know someone who needs a self-talk update? Make sure they know how to release negativity from their lives.

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