36 Toy Soldiers Stand Still And Stun Crowd When They Make First Move
Jul 17, 2020 by apost team
Back in 2014, a full line of 36 Rockettes took the Great Stage at Radio City Music Hall and represents the power of teamwork in “Parade of the Wooden Soldiers.”

If you spend any time at all online, you’ll know that dancing videos are some of the most popular content to be found on the internet. It shouldn’t be a surprise — who doesn’t love to watch the beauty and mastery of people who really know how to dance?


Whether they are contestants from televisions shows like Dancing with the Stars, seasoned professional dancers demonstrating their craft, or simply talented amateurs having a good time, these videos generate clicks because they are mesmerizing to watch.
The video we have for you today is the cream of the dancing crop. It has been viewed millions of times and is unquestionably one of the most impressive demonstrations of precision and skill that the dancing world has to offer.

The Radio City Rockettes — the iconic and internationally famous American precision dance company — are famous for their high kick lines and stunning stage-filling dance numbers.
This video, however, is a little different. It’s a Christmastime toy solider routine and is a master study in meticulous choreography and attention to detail that promises to put a smile on your face.

Their crisp and colorful costumes are striking as they move to cheerful music that has a slightly military air. Watch as they magically change formations, creating all sorts of illusions while building excitement and tension, making viewers wonder what will happen next.
And that finale? A slow-motion feat of amazing strength and athleticism that will have you hitting the rewind button again and again.
Pass the link to everyone you know who loves amazing and skillful performances. They’ll thank you for sure.