22 Things All Grandmas Have In Common

May 24, 2018 by apost team

Everyone's grandma is unique and special. However, some things are almost shocking universal, such as...

1. All Those Doilies

Where did your grandma get all those doilies from? And why did there seem to be more and more with each visit?


2. Cookie Tin Excitement

What makes for a better snack at Grandma's than a cookie?

3. Cookie Tin Betrayal

Look for a tasty treat? Sorry, it's just Grandma's sewing accessories.

4. Pincushion fun

Okay, it's not exactly a video game, but sometimes a pincushion shaped like a tomato is the best you have.

5. Grandma Couches

Where did Grandma get her couch from? Why was it designed like that?

6. Plastic on the Couch

Was this to keep you from spilling things on it?

7. Crosswords on the Coffee Table

And you would only know a couple answers to each of the puzzles, max.

8. Crocheted Kleenex Boxes

We know our grandmas love crocheting. We just didn't realize they love it that much.

9. Unused Exercise Bike

We were never sure: did grandma want to get fit, or was it something she bought and forgot about?

10. Old-fashioned TV

Are you wondering who was the last person to switch from a tube TV to a flatscreen? Answer: your grandma.

11. Grandma shows

What's on TV? At Grandma's, it's going to be something like a soap opera or "Murder, She Wrote."

12. Those Strawberrie Candies

We're convinced these weren't actually sold in stores. They would just manifest in our grandmas home.

13. Werther's

We've seen Werther's in stores, but we're pretty certain that only grandmas buy them.

14. The Forbbiden Cabinet

We know why Grandma didn't want us to touch these things given how fragile they are. But being forbidden made them so much more tempting.

15. Fancy Silverware Case

It's just forks and knives, Grandma. Why can't we touch them?

16. Plates on the Walls

Well, that's certainly one way to decorate.

17. Toilet Rug

We know now that rugs should not be anywhere near bathrooms, but Grandma felt differently.

18. Those Grandma Pans

We've all had at least one meal served in one.

19. Find the Margarine

So many margarine containers, but which one actually had the sacred spread?

20. Empty Tupperware

It was like she was using it for decoration instead of storage.

21. Sliding You Some Money

As you said goodbye, she would deftly slip you some much-deserved cash. Thanks, Grandma!

22. Waving Goodbye

She would always wave goodbye with as much care and attention as possible.

Do these scenarios remind you of your grandma? If so, spread the word to your friends and family. If you have any other funny grandma habits, let us know.