20 Things Only People With High-Functioning Anxiety Could Understand

Aug 27, 2018 by apost team

Anxiety can be debilitating. This condition causes persistent worrying and overthinking. When someone has anxiety, they may feel like they have to be perfect in everything that they do. An estimated 40 million people in the United States have anxiety, but most people are unaware of the condition.

To outsiders, the individual seems perfectly normal. When someone has high-functioning anxiety, they are able to stay busy and focus on other things. Inside of their mind, they experience racing thoughts and fears about everything that could go wrong.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!



When someone has anxiety, they can still have a successful career and fulfilling relationships. At the same time, they may feel constantly stressed out. Other people think that a birthday party or a crowded room is a simple experience. Someone with anxiety perceives the world in a different way. Even the simplest activities can be emotionally draining.

20 Things That People With High-Functioning Anxiety Will Understand


If you have high-functioning anxiety, there are common experiences that you understand. You know just how hard it is to plan out an event or go to a social function. Most people who have high-functioning anxiety can easily relate to the following statements.


1. You find it hard to maintain eye contact.
2. You arrive exceptionally early to all of your appointments.
3. You are a perfectionist who needs every tiny detail to be perfect.
4. You have trouble falling asleep at night.
5. You overthink everything you do and have to plan out each step.
6. You twirl your hair or bite your nails to release feelings of anxiety.
7. You apologize for any small error that you make.
8. You cannot tell people know when you know that you should.
9. You are always worrying about the future.
10. Your mind keeps focusing on the worst scenarios.
11. You feel like other people are constantly judging you.
12. You worry about what everyone else thinks about you.
13. You constantly compare yourself to other people.
14. You procrastinate about doing something because you are worried.
15. You always need to keep your mind busy and occupied.
16. You keep replaying past conversations over and over in your mind.
17. You feel like you have to distract your mind or fidget when you are stressed.
18. You use lists to constantly organize your thoughts.
19. You always have to ask people to repeat instructions and directions.
20. You turn down invites or cancel your plans because you do not feel like doing anything.


It might be impossible to cure anxiety, but you can alleviate your worries. Techniques like meditation can help to calm your mind and body. In meditation, you become aware of your thoughts and feelings. You learn how to process these feelings without becoming anxious or frustrated. It takes practice, but meditation and meditative breathing can eventually help you control your anxiety. Other techniques like yoga and aromatherapy can also help reduce your anxiety.

If you or a loved one has anxiety, let us know which techniques you use to cope.

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