17-Year-Old Notices Creepy Man At Target Moving Closer To Little Girl, Then He Decides To Stop Him

May 03, 2019 by apost team

It is a natural tendency for individuals to move away from dangerous or strange acting people when they see them. But one little girl is fortunate that a 17-year-old boy had a different reaction when he noted strange activity from a man.

Cameron Cook watched as an adult male approached a young girl in a store. He says the man had an evil look in his eye and did not leave the girl's side.

Cameron was at a Target store with his mother when the incident took place. The month was November and his mother was totally focused on shopping. Cameron saw a man touching himself in an inappropriate manner.

Cameron alerted his mother and she told him it was time for them to leave the store.


Cameron told his mother no. He said his instinct told him something more was wrong than what they had already seen.

What Cameron's mother did not know at the time is her son was a moment away from saving an innocent little girl from a horrible fate.

The man wreaked of liquor and continued to touch himself. When the man moved closer to the little girl Cameron knew he must act.

Cameron confronted the man and asked him if he knew the little girl.

The startled man could only declare he was not a pervert. He made the claim over and over again.

Cameron remained focus and told the man he did not answer the question that was asked to him. Cameron pressed the man until he panicked and ran from the store. Thanks to the brave actions of 17-year-old Cameron the little girl will forever remain unconscious of the evil that was so near to her.

Police officials in Boston, where the incident took place, say that parents should always have an eye on small children when in public places.

They also thanked Cameron for his bravery.

Cameron says he is not interested in praise for what he has done but he does hope his actions inspire others. He said during an interview with a local news station he hopes everyone will stand up if ever in a similar situation. He says it is not about being courageous but simply about being human.

Watch him talk about the incident in the video below:

Were you impressed with the actions of the brave young man? Is it terrifying to know there are men out there like the one Cameron observed in the Target store? Show the article and video to everyone you know. It will be a catalyst for much-needed conversations.