16 Clever Ways To Use Lip Balm That You've Probably Never Heard Of

May 04, 2018 by apost team

Lip balm deserves a medal. It can do so much more than moisturize your lips. Here are 16 other ways you can use your old tube!


1. Heal Paper Cuts

Smear some lip balm on any knick in the skin to seal the cut. The wax will act as a protective layer of skin.

2. Tidy Hair

Tame unruly hairs by rubbing some lip balm on your fingers then running them through your scalp!

3. Fix CDs

If you still even use CDs, you can get rid of scratches by sealing them with lip balm. No more skips over your favorite songs!


4. Soothe Your Nose

Next time you're sick and have a red nose, try dabbing some lip balm on your fingers (to prevent contaminating the rest of the balm) then applying it to your irritated bits for relief.

5. Treat Cuticles

Give yourself a spa treatment at home by rubbing some lip balm on dry or cracked cuticles!

6. Prevent Nails From Cracking Wood

You should always rub some balm on nails and screws before putting them in wood to prevent any damage!

7. Prevent Rust

Coat the blades of any tools in your shed with some lip balm to keep them sparkling for years to come.

8. Fix Squeaky Hinges

No more squeaky doors and drawers! A little lip balm will lubricate the hinges to restore some peace and quiet.

9. Remove Stickers

Ever try to remove a sticker only to fail to get it all off in one go? The little bits left behind are nearly impossible to remove unless you rub some lip balm on them and rub it with a rag.

10. Soothe Bug Bites

Avoid scratching and further irritating your bites by applying lip balm. You'll feel instant relief.

11. Clear Glasses

Prevent your lenses from fogging up by smearing some lip balm over the glass then rubbing it off with a soft cloth. It really works!

12. Lock In Perfume

Before spraying your perfume, rub a little lip balm over the areas you're applying it to so the oil holds onto the scent longer than your natural skin can!

13. Shoe Polish

Don't waste your money on expensive shoe polish. Bust out your lip balm to get the job done just as well.

14. Keep Shoes Tied

Rub a little balm over your laces to create some friction that will prevent the laces from coming untied easily.

15. Prevent Blisters

If you know you're wearing shoes that will give you blisters, rub some lip balm on the areas that will get rubbed to reduce irritating friction.

16. Clean Makeup Smudges

No one is flawless at applying makeup. If you smudge, apply some balm to a q-tip and effortlessly wipe away the mistakes.

Did any of these hacks surprise you? Make sure your friends know all the handy uses their lip balm has by showing them this article!