15 Things That Your Body Goes Through After A Heartbreak

Aug 17, 2018 by apost team

A heartbreak is a terrible thing to go through. Any trial of the heart can be traumatizing and offer its fair share of emotional exhaustion. These are 15 things your body does when you have your heart broken.

1. You get physical pains.


How many of us have gotten stomachaches, headaches, and literal heartaches after our hearts are broken? These are just a few of the symptoms that a person experiences when they're grieving. Physical pain can manifest in a number of degrees and forms throughout the entire body.


2. Your stress levels increase.


A person's increased levels of stress can be complicated. Higher stress levels can pave the path for even more dysfunction in your body. You might feel more vulnerable to pain and worn down.

3. Your eating habits change.


Sometimes, people deal with their grief by eating to stop the pain. Other times, people get so depressed that they'll stop eating entirely. Neither scenario is good for you. Extreme weight loss can be just as unhealthy as extreme weight gain.

4. You suffer symptoms of depression.


Depression is nothing to take lightly. After a person goes through a heartbreaking experience, they might have to deal with some form of mental deterioration. Many people have some degree of psychological instability after a heartbreak. When this is the case, it's important to see a mental health professional.

5. You lose your ability to focus.


You might suddenly become aware that you're doing something you would never do under other circumstances. You might also find yourself in strange places without remembering why you went there. You'll start to make mistakes with your household chores, schoolwork, or the workplace.

6. Your heartbeat will slow.


There are studies indicating that after a person goes through a traumatic experience, their heart might slow down. This can lead to the entire circulatory system becoming compromised.

7. You can't sleep.


You might stay awake, unable to stop thinking about someone who has been a disappointment or who has left your life. It can be impossible to turn your thoughts off, especially when you're in bed with no distractions.

8. You're sensitive to more things.


You'll find that you have a heightened sensitivity to anguish and pain. A person's snide remark or hurtful comment might affect you much more than it would have otherwise. You should try to keep away from negative things so that you don't add extra stress to your heart.

9. You crave solitude.


When a cat is injured, it will often hide from other people to protect itself. The same is true for people after they go through a heartbreak. You might isolate yourself to keep other people from seeing how fragile and vulnerable you are. No one else can hurt you if you're alone.

10. You'll go through physical withdrawal.


If you're suddenly cut off from a person you love, you might find yourself having strange withdrawal symptoms, just like addicts who suddenly need to quit their drugs cold turkey.

11. Your periods might be delayed.

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If a person undergoes extreme stress, it could affect their menstrual cycle. This is especially true if the stressful experience is related to a heartbreak or other grief.

12. Your immune system will be weakened.


Your body is putting all of its energy toward keeping you safe and sane. Your immune system isn't in fighting shape, so you'll be more vulnerable to infection and disease.

13. You might experience hair loss.


Hair loss is another side effect of extreme forms of stress. If you're losing unusual amounts of hair, though, it's best to talk to a doctor to rule out other possible physical causes.

14. Your menstrual cramps worsen.


Increased stress levels in a person might cause them to have worse menstrual cramps than usual. If they don't usually have menstrual cramps, they might start having mild ones.

15. You doubt yourself.


After you go through a heartbreaking experience, you'll have to deal with doubt about yourself and the people around you. You'll wonder whether you'll ever find love again, or if the world will ever be the same. Your confidence in yourself will lower, which keeps you from being able to move on.


What physical symptoms have you experienced after a heartbreak? Do you know of a coping strategy or tip that would help others going through a heartbreak? Please let us know in the comments below.