15 Things Only Strong Women Do - But Never Talk About
Sep 29, 2018 by apost team
Being a strong woman is about your actions as well as your intentions.
For a woman to make it through the challenges life throws at her, she has to have habits that show she's not going to be a pushover.
These are 15 signs of a strong woman.
1. Have an intimate friend group
A smaller number of loyal friends is much better than a large number of people who claim to be your friends but who are actually rather two-faced. Strong women don't let themselves get carried away by trying to be friend with everyone. They value the importance of honesty and trust in friendships.
2. Know how to organize
Prioritizing is a key trait of strong women. They understand how to make a schedule and stick to it. Since they know that people are counting on them, they make it a point to follow through on their goals.
3. Frustrated by lack of organization
Strong women can only fully depend on themselves, and they realize this when others don't follow through on their plans. It's understandable for you to be irritated, as it's not fair to exercise so much responsibility on your end only to not get the same respect from others.
4. Comfort with their friend quantity
There's no need for strong women to constantly swap out old friends for new ones. They feel the devotion of their current friend group enough already and don't need any reason to arbitrarily bring in new members. Should they make friends with someone, it's because they want to.
5. Have confidence
The confidence of a strong woman is subtle. This is because strong women don't feel the need to broadcast just how strong they are. Instead, they trust their instincts and don't worry about how others perceive them.
6. Speak out
Should a strong woman be mistreated or witness mistreatment, they're not going to sit around. They're going to point out what's wrong and demand some sort of retribution. A strong woman should be considered a warrior for people, including herself.
7. Open-minded
Putting others down is not the way of the strong woman. She will try her best to understand what others are going through. Strong women are great listeners and are able to help others work through their problems.
8. Don't need partners
Being single doesn't bother a strong woman, because she doesn't live by the notion that having a partner is necessary for satisfaction. She understands that living her best life means being true to herself.
9. Ward off unconfident men
When a man lacks confidence, a strong woman can be especially difficult to handle. They might expect a pushover of a woman who can make them feel better about themselves without any real effort. Strong women aren't about to let themselves be taken for granted for the sake of a man's feelings.
10. Take the first step
The first date with a strong woman means they might not be shy about going in for the first kiss. Rather than wait around for a man to take action, a strong woman will take the bull by the horns.
11. Lift up strong women
Strong women aren't threatened by their own kind. Instead, they embrace the fact that they can learn from and teach one another. They want to serve as a positive example for the female community.
12. Acknowledge accomplishments of strong women
When strong women succeed, other strong women will be cheering them on. It helps them to remember how much determination matters when it comes to being strong.
13. Embrace feminism
Feminism is all about recognizing women as equals. Strong women couldn't be so strong if they weren't feminists. They're all about empowering women so that they can make strides in the world. A strong woman will never turn her back on her gender.
14. Teach younger women
Being a strong woman isn't necessarily built into your genes, but it can come from previous generations. When you have strong female role models, they can teach you what it means to be a strong woman. You can also lead by example by doing the same for younger generations.
15. Know how to lead
Strong women are some of the best leaders you'll ever come across. When you're being led by a strong woman in the workplace, you can be sure that she'll be clear about what's expected of you and offer the proper guidance and communication. Power doesn't corrupt strong women. It helps them to inspire others.
We hope this article has helped you considered the importance of being a strong woman and the impact you can make on society. Please show this to friends and family members and discuss what being a strong woman means to you.