15 Reasons Why Night Owls Live Longer

Jun 11, 2018 by apost team

It is estimated that roughly 80% of the population would consider themselves night owls. With so many people being night owls, many people wonder if it has any benefits. Listed below are 15 different benefits of those who stay up late. 

1. Work Hard

People who stay up late tend to be hard workers. Many night owls will stay up late to finish a project because they don't want to leave it until the next day. Night owls focus on finishing the task that they started. 


2. Strength 

Studies have shown that people who tend to stay up late are able to use their muscles in a more efficient manner because they are more alert at night, then if they had gotten up early and were tired. 

3. Not Afraid To Fail 

Those who stay up later are willing to take risks that others are not. Many night owls set high goals and if they fail, they will keep trying. This type of attitude leads to success in nearly every career path available. 

4. Creative 

Being creative is a common trait of those who stay up late and have irregular sleep schedules. Those who go to bed early and have regular sleep patterns are less likely to be creative. 

5. Open to Change 

Staying up late often means that people must rearrange their schedule or be able to adapt to when they are going to wake up. Over time night owls tend to develop the character of being open to change and allowing new things into their lives. 

6. Freedom 

Freedom comes from being a night owl because you generally are free from the distractions of life that can happen such as emails and phone calls. You are also free in the sense that you 

7. Relaxed 

For early risers, many of them are getting up early because they are tense and stressed out from all of the things they need to do 

8. High IQ 

Paired with a hard work ethic, studies have found that those who were night owls were more likely to have a higher IQ than those who did not. It makes sense that those who work hard would also be more likely to have a higher IQ.

9. Attentive

Those who are night owls are usually wide awake and are quite aware of their surroundings. Those who rise early are somewhat less attentive as it takes time to completely wake up.

10. Solitude

When staying up late, you generally don't have to worry about many different people trying to reach you or disrupt what you are doing. You are able to work in a quiet, peaceful environment causing you to be more efficient. 

11. Get More Done

The earlier that a person goes to bed, the less they can get done in the evening. Night owls are extremely productive in the evenings and are sometimes able to get more done in the evening than other people could do all day. 

12. Less Distractions

During the day there are many different ways people can spend their time such as shopping or going out to eat. Late in the evening most places are closed and other people are sleeping so you won't be as easily distracted from what you are doing. 

13. Function on Little Sleep

Night owls are great at functioning on smaller amounts of sleep. Those who wake up early usually have consistent sleep schedules and get the same amount of sleep each night. Night owls stay up later some nights than others and are able to function with varying amounts of sleep. 

14. Weight Loss

For those who go to bed early, they can run the risk of falling asleep shortly after eating. Sleeping immediately after consuming a meal can cause a person to gain weight. On the other hand, if a person stays up extremely late, studies have shown that it can cause negative health impacts as well. 

15. Positivity 

Although night owls might not be very chipper and awake early in the morning, they tend to have great attitudes later in the evening when they are more awake and alert. 

Being a night owl has many different positive aspects, so if you are a night owl be encouraged! If you found this article to be useful pass it on to help other night owls know there are benefits to their sleeping habits as well!