14 Signs That You Have A Selfish Partner
Jun 01, 2018 by apost team
Any good relationship is one of equal respect. If one person is carrying the brunt of the work, something is wrong. You are not there to do everything for your partner, and you shouldn't expect them to do the same.
If you're worried that your partner is selfish, these signs will help you realize if it's true.
1. Try To Pass Blame

A selfish partner is one who will scheme to get their way, and then do all they can to make it seem like it was your idea in the first place. They'll use deceptive language and try to trick you into thinking it was your idea all along.

2. Consistent Liars

One doesn't become adept at telling huge lies unless they're trained in telling small ones. Selfish partners will toss off small fibs like it's nothing. However, they are greatly compromising your ability to trust them.
3. Guilt-tripping

Rather than own up to their selfishness, they'll often try to make you feel bad. They'll gaslight and rub things in your face due to being unable to admit that their behaviors are negatively affecting you.
4. Selfish In Bed

Sex with a selfish partner feels distressingly one-sided. They aren't trying to attend to your needs. Instead, they're only focused on their bodies and how they can be satisfied.
5. Poor Listeners

Speaking to a selfish person can feel like speaking to a brick wall. They'll barely muster any sort of curiosity or signs of pay attention. Meanwhile, they'll talk your head off, expecting you to listen perfectly to what they have to say.
6. Undercut How You Feel

If you're upset around a selfish partner, they see this as a perfect opportunity to downgrade and delegitimize your emotions. Feelings that you genuinely hold are going to be regarded as unimportant or selfish.
7. Never Apologize First

Even if a selfish partner's actions are what caused strife, they're never going to be the first to say they're sorry. Instead, they'll try to drag you down and practically make you beg for their forgiveness.
8. Don't Care About Cheering You Up

If you're feeling blue and looking for a pick-me-up, don't expect a selfish partner to help. They'll be too caught up in their own problems that they'll just see you as being in the way.
9. Control Freaks

Selfish partners are so very obsessed with getting their way, that they won't even entertain the idea of other options. Should you try to offer your input or suggestion, they'll swiftly shut it down.
10. Cause Self-Doubt

If your confidence is fragile in any way, selfish partners will find any way they can to break it down even further. They'll try to magnify your flaws while minimizing their own.
11. Defensive

Selfish partners can't stand any sort of slight or perceived criticism. They'll also take everything you say as being an attack on their integrity and character.
12. Don't Respect Boundaries

Just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean you don't have autonomy. Selfish partners will do their best to assume control over you and your behaviors.
13. Refuse To Compromise

Sacrifices are important to make in a relationship. Selfish partners will see any sort of compromise as being a sign of weakness and won't back down until they get their way.
14. Disbelieve Your Affection

You might show and tell your love for someone as much as possible. However, they might be so self-absorbed that they refuse to actually believe it's real. They want you to love them even more than you already do, even if you've gone as far as possible to prove it.
If you believe you have a selfish partner, pay close attention to these signs. Should you have friends who have potentially selfish partners, let them know about this list.