13 Ways You Are Being Too Hard On Yourself

May 22, 2018 by apost team

We all have bad habits and shortcomings. Allowing yourself to dwell on these insecurities, however, can ruin your life.

These are 13 ways that you are being entirely too hard on yourself. 

1. You’re overthinking. 

A simple answer or thought is never good enough for you. You tend to deliberate too much about each and everything you have said or done. When you send a message and don’t receive a response, the rest of your day is ruined by thinking about it.

If your friends don’t laugh at your joke, you’ll mull over it for the rest of the evening. Every little thing feels like a huge deal to you, and you spend most of your time just overthinking. 


2. You apologize too much. 

It doesn’t matter if you’ve actually done something wrong because in your head you feel the need to apologize anyway. You’ll apologize if you’re talking too much and you’ll apologize if you aren’t talking enough. To you, your existence feels like a burden on everyone around you. 

3. You feel like a failure. 

When you look around at others surrounding you, it seems like you are the only one with no accomplishments. While everyone is moving ahead career-wise or getting married, you feel like you’re falling behind.

You may feel like a failure in comparison to your family, your peers, and even your classmates. 

4. You’re unsure of your own ideas. 

You’re never fully confident in your own thoughts and opinions, so you act hesitant about them. You might even structure your thoughts as questions to check and see if those around you will validate your opinion.

When your significant other asks what you want to eat for dinner, you might say “You probably don’t want tacos, but I was thinking about them. I’m not sure. What do you want?” 

5. You’re too negative about yourself. 

When speaking of yourself, every single statement that comes to your mind is a negative one. You’ll talk about how you aren’t doing well enough at work, how you haven’t been saving enough money or how you aren’t exercising enough. You can’t think of anything kind to say towards yourself at all. 

6. You don’t celebrate your accomplishments. 

Anytime that your life is running smoothly, or you have accomplished something for yourself, you refuse to allow yourself to enjoy it and celebrate. You ruin the moment by worrying about what could potentially go amiss in the future, instead of letting go and appreciating the present. 

7. You give up easily. 

You find yourself prematurely giving up on everything. You find yourself ending relationships too early because you’re worried that the other person will hurt you anyway, so you need to dump them before they dump you. You never stick things out to see the end result, because you fear the failure that may come from them. 

8. You always blame yourself. 

Everything feels like it’s your fault. When your significant other decides to cheat on you, or you don’t get the job of your dreams, you’ll only place blame on yourself. Even when there was little to nothing you could do to affect the end result of a scenario, you still hold yourself accountable for the way things turned out. 

9. You compare yourself to everyone. 

Whether it be the woman walking down the street, the man at work who got a promotion, your siblings, or even your best friends, you will compare yourself to them. Each time, you find yourself the one who falls short. You feel subordinate to everyone surrounding you. 

10. You act like your achievements don’t matter. 

When you graduated or when you landed your first job, you didn’t let anybody congratulate you properly without insulting yourself. You constantly demean your own achievements by acting like they aren’t that big of a deal. 

11. You beat yourself up over small mistakes. 

Even though everybody makes mistakes, you’re entirely too hard on yourself when you make the smallest blunder. You feel completely embarrassed and idiotic and are unable to let yourself live down your tiny mistakes. 

12. You can’t accept compliments. 

When somebody compliments you, you’re shaking your head in disbelief, or immediately putting yourself down afterward. You refuse to trust that anybody would have anything kind to say about you and immediately reject all compliments. 

13. You think you deserve hardships. 

You will never allow yourself to truly feel happy because you do not feel like deserve it. Every hardship you’ve been through feels like something that you deserved to go through. 

Maybe now you are more aware of the insecurities you’re dwelling on which could be ruining your life. Which one of our 13 reasons resonated with you the most?