13 Things Important To Achieve Before You Turn 30 Years Old
Nov 03, 2018 by apost team
Many say that your life begins at age 30. It’s at that time when we finally have an understanding of our innermost desires, are able to make our own decisions and have a good idea about what direction we are going in. Yet, to help reach our destinations, it never hurts to open to learning.
Below is a list of 13 things you should aim to accomplish by age 30.
1. Land A Career That You Like
At this age, we’ve been through college and have gotten our feet wet in different fields of work. However, at this point, we’re ready for something that provides us with not just money but with a sense of inner satisfaction. A job that you actually want to do is something you should aim to have by 30. Working just to work is simply absurd. You should work so you can do the things you really want to do. In fact, you should do the things you really want to do right now.
2. Discover How To Cook
You’re in one of two camps: you either can’t stand the idea of cooking, or you’re a Food Network aficionado. In any case, it helps to have a dish that you can call your own. When it comes to your own unique creations, you should not be afraid to mix and match. With experimentation, you’ll be able to master your dish to the delight of those who try it. This is a helpful skill to have when you’re looking to make a good impression.
3. Identify Your True Companions
At an early age, schooling puts us in a social atmosphere that makes it easy for us interact with our peers. Yet, at that time, we may have been of the belief that all of these fellow students could be considered friends. When school comes to end, we realize that many of them weren’t friends at all, just acquaintances.
All that remain from that point on are the true friends; we’re talking about the types of people that are happy when you’re happy and sad when you’re sad. Make sure you have an appreciation for those types - the ones who stuck through it all, thick and thin.
4. You Don't Need To Tell Everyone Your Business
While you and your significant other may be going through some difficult times, it isn’t necessarily the best idea to fill everyone in on the gory details. If you need to talk to a 3rd party, make sure that they are comfortable discussing these types of issues.
Alternatively, you can always speak to a professional; a professional relationship counselor will be able to hear both sides of the story and offer some educated advice. This will give you and your partner a chance to see things from each others’ perspective, with the counselor as a type of middleman or translator.
If you’re too transparent with people who aren’t comfortable having that type of relationship with you, you may lose valuable friends.
5. Get Your Priorities Straight
In modern society, it is fashionable to multitask and rush to and fro. As we get older, however, we come to the realization that we’re not necessarily focusing on the things that matter. The things we tend to remember are times spent with loved ones and close friends, not about how productive we were in September. We should, of course, put focus on taking care of business, but we shouldn’t lose our souls in the process.
6. Make Sure You Get Some Rest And Relaxation
While rushing around in and effort to be as productive as possible, you may forget that you are actually hurting your productivity potential by depriving your body of rest. It is perhaps, by that logic, best that you spend your resources are some deserved vacation time. After you get a chance to renew yourself, your return to work will be with a flourish. It never hurts to put away a bit of money for a vacation every year.
7. Get Out And Drive!
Having your license is something you’re definitely going to want by, at the latest, age 30. Having your driver’s license makes it easier to find work opportunities and aids in exploration. It gives you the freedom to be able to go wherever you want. It gives you the opportunity to “get out for a bit” when you really need that alone time.
8. Find Supplemental Income Sources
By age 30, you’re going to want to have multiple income streams. Side projects that supplement your main job can give you extra money and make your life easier; this is especially true if you have bills. However, don’t get caught up becoming a slave to your work; you can be making a lot of money and lacking time to enjoy it.
Artfully find supplemental income sources, and don’t forget to allow yourself relaxation time. Good time management skills are going to be helpful here.
9. Find Your Own Place
Yes, from a monetary perspective, it is easier to reside with the ‘rents, but eventually life is going to catch up with you. Even if they don’t throw you out, you, at this point in life, are going to be wanting your own living situation. Don’t throw yourself into poverty, however, in your desperate desires to get away from your parents. When you first move out, it’s better to get a room with friends, as this is probably all you’re going to be to afford at first.
One step at a time - having your very own place is going to be hard work in the beginning.
10. Learn The Art Of Public Speaking
It can be fun to speak in public as well as equally nerve wracking. You may, at this point, want to test your leadership skills. Are you engaging? Do people listen when you talk? Do they like your opinion? Do you perhaps have a future as an activist or politician?
11. Be Confident
Be comfortable in your own shoes. At this stage of the game, you shouldn’t care that much about what other people think of you. No, you can’t fully become divorced from the idea that other people have opinions of you, but you shouldn’t let this rule you. Those who are confident don’t need to impose themselves so strongly on people; this would actually be a mark of insecurity.
12. Get Some Culture
Now that you’re older, pop culture becomes less interesting. What does become fascinating, however, is things of times past. There is “nothing new under the sun,” and you will find that even people of former times lived very similar lives to your own. Listen to classical music, read some famous works of literature and get versed in history - you will find it rewarding.
13. Get Healthy
Don’t neglect taking care of yourself. By age 30, you’re doing to want to make a healthy lifestyle part of the overall routine. What goes into a man or woman, as has been said, is that which comes out. You shouldn’t neglect this very wise observation. Coffee is ok - it can actually be useful, but if you overdo it, you will lose sleep quality. Remember, everything is ok in moderation.
Best of luck at 30 and beyond!