13 Preemie Babies Smiling Because They're Glad To Be Alive
Jun 27, 2018 by apost team
By definition a baby is considered premature when born before 37 gestational weeks. In fact, about 11 percent of babies are born prematurely, meaning about 1 in 10 sweet babies will come before 37 weeks.
While premature births can be stressful and cause much worry for parents and families, there is nothing like seeing a smile spread across that tiny face, and there is nothing else like seeing your premature baby effortlessly grow into childhood and beyond. Such babies are born fighters, coming into this world embarking upon a journey already difficult for their developing bodies. But premature babies don’t let that challenge stop them; they will do whatever it takes to overcome the odds stacked against them. And some do it all with a smile.
Just look at these 13 premature babies who show the world, in their timeless expressions, just how wonderful it is to be alive.
Here is a premature little fighter weighing 2 lbs 12 oz with a smile the makes the most serious among us chuckle right along with him.

This beautiful girl was born at 33 weeks.
After this premature sweetie had a stroke, doctors thought she'd never be able to smile again. But just look at this smiling baby fighting the odds and proving doctors wrong with the most loving smile any mother could dream of seeing.
Can you tell if a child or adult was born premature? Probably not.
Take a look at this gentleman, for example. Born nine weeks before his due date, he only weighed 4.8 lbs at birth. Now look at him. About to graduate from medical school and specialize in osteopathic medicine, he has made his parents unbelievably proud!
This handsome guy here weighed 5 lbs 4 oz when he was born at 34 weeks.
Here you can see how content he is, even after two weeks in NICU. What a relaxed little man!
Look how this little girl has grown in the matter of only weeks!
Born at 3 lbs 7 oz, this pretty lady has grown so much in 16 weeks! Look how happy she is!
This image is of darling Evelyn who weighed 1.8 lbs when she was born at only 25 weeks!
Over the first half year of her life she was revived on several occasions. However, you would never know that by looking at her now!
This sweetness right here weighed 3 lbs 2 oz when she was born at 31 weeks.
She has the most cuddly-soft expression to make any heart melt!
Can you believe these rambunctious twins were born weighing only 1 lbs 11 oz each at 26 weeks?! Neither can I!
But they spent 80 days in NICU. Now, they're celebrating their 5th birthday with smiles upon smiles!
This happy angel was born weighing 3 lbs 14 oz.
And she is thrilled upon thrilled to be with her family!
Can you believe this happy seven-year-old was born only weighing 3 lbs 6 oz?!
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This happy boy was born weighing 4 lbs 9 oz.
Now 17 months old, he's still just as happy having Daddy hold him!
This little guy, born seven weeks early, has that stubborn smile of determination on his face!
Nothing will stop this one from shining!
At one-month-old, this little one who was born weighing 2 lbs 2 oz at 25 weeks, delighted the world with his very first grin.
He's going to be a charmer, for sure!
In a world of much strife, how great is it to see the smiles of these tiny babes? Make sure your family and friends don't miss out on these sweet little faces!