12 Obvious Signs That She Is Head Over Heels For You
Oct 09, 2018 by apost team
Women can be hard to understand at times. Does she like you? Does she not? Dating is a complicated topic in general, but have no fear! We're here to help you decipher the mysterious behavior of women. With these tips and information, you'll be a love expert in no time.
Here are twelve signs she's crazy about you.
One: Distance
How far someone positions themselves in relation to you says a lot about how they feel about you. Think about it. If your sworn enemy is in the same room as you, you wouldn't cozy up next to them, would you? Of course not! On the other hand, if you were with your significant other you'd be close to them. Long story short, if a woman sits next to you even though there are plenty of other seats around, she probably likes you. Or at the very least she's interested in you.
Two: Shaky Toes
The feet say a lot about someone. If you're sitting with the woman of interest, notice how her shoes fit. I'm not talking about her shoe size or the brand of shoe. I'm talking about if her shoe hangs off her toe. Wait, what? If a woman is wearing regular heels, sandals, or shoes that can easily slide on and off, pay attention to if her heel is out of the shoe. This shows she feels relaxed and comfortable with you.
This can also be used to draw your attention towards her legs in a flirtatious manner. Remember to make sure her foot is pointed towards you. If not, her flirting may not be aimed towards you.
Three: Arm Position
Crossed arms are always a red flag. Don't worry, sometimes women will believe their arms if they're shy. On the contrary, a woman with her arms at her side shows she's comfortable with you and is open to dating you.
Four: Mimicking
Pay attention to whether or not she copies your movements. You can test this theory by doing a gesture and see if she copies you. Don't be creeped out, she's not trying to be you nor are you the main protagonist of a thriller movie. Mimicking is something everyone does innately, it's not just a female thing. Even you do it.
Five: Legs
Legs just like feet show a lot about people's feelings. If a woman has her legs crossed at the ankles or turned away from you, bad news, she probably doesn't like you. However, if her legs are crossed and her feet are pointed towards you, there's a good chance she likes you as more than a friend.
Six: Chest
If a woman pushes her chest out, there's a good chance she's trying to make a good impression on you. A lot of women debate whether or not the breasts are important factors of how attractive a woman is.
Seven: Pupils
Eyes are the windows to the soul. They're also the window to discover whether or not someone likes you. Generally, if a woman likes you her pupils will get bigger. This can be hard to notice, especially when the woman has darker color eyes or you're not close enough to take notice of her eyes. Another tip is that when you make eye contact with her, she'll avert her eyes.
Eight: Thumb
No, you're not about to compete in a thumb war with her. Notice of she places her thumb behind any accessories such as her belt, purse, etc. This gesture is aimed to bring attention to certain features. Men also do this but tend to place their thumbs in the loops of their jeans.
Nine: Mirror Mirror On The Wall
When a woman checks a mirror all the time while you're hanging out she's not conceited or trying to be the evil queen from Snow White And The Seven Dwarves. She wants to make sure she's looking very good in order to maintain a good impression on you. Nothing's worse than finding out you had sauce on your face the entire date.
Ten: Appearance Check
She usually will look down at her clothes or smooth down her hair in order to look her best. She wants to make sure she impresses you. Feeling comfortable with her looks will help her maintain confidence and lower her nervousness.
Eleven: Playing With Her Hair
Twirling her hair around her finger can be a sign of nervousness. On the other hand, it can also be a sign that she's trying to flirt with you. Sense the mood of the situation. Does she seem nervous or confident? Clearly, this won't work as well if her hair is short.
Twelve: Lip Touching
If a woman touched her lips around you, it's a sign she wants to kiss you or is very interested. Though, if she's licking her lips it may be just because they're chapped.
What do you think? Is someone you know crazy about you? Let us know in the comments! Show this article to your friends and family so they can figure out if they have a secret admirer, too.