12 All-Natural Solutions That Help Against Common Ailments

Nov 20, 2018 by apost team

When you feel sick or experience pain in your body, you likely turn to your doctor or pharmacist to get some kind of relief. Before you spend a lot of money on medications and visits to your doctor, there are a few natural remedies that you might want to consider.

Soothing Your Back

Back pain can come on strong for many people and without any clear reason. Try to find some of the acupressure points that are located in your back. These are in the areas above your waist and right at your hips. If you have someone press on these areas, then the pain that you feel in your back can sometimes be relieved.

Another option would be to have someone massage your back with alcohol. The cooling impact from the alcohol evaporating can often help with pain that you experience. A wet compress made with warm water, vinegar, and rosemary that is placed on your back can soothe the affected region.


Another way to help prevent injuries to your back is to choose the correct mattress to sleep on each night. Your mattress should offer support without being too hard. Sleeping in a fetal position with a pillow between your legs can encourage the proper alignment of your back as well. As you get out of bed each morning, position yourself on your side before moving your legs and feet to the floor.

When you're carrying heavy objects, you need to remember some of the proper techniques, such as bending at your knees instead of bending at your back to lift objects from the ground.

Healing Your Headache

Put a cold pack on your head for about 15 minutes to relieve some of the pain that you feel. Garlic juice and honey can be taken to ease the pain in your head while reactivating the sensory areas in your brain. Cut two slices of potatoes to place on your temples. Remove them after 30 minutes, continuing with this treatment as needed.

Peppermint is a soothing remedy for headaches. You can add a small amount of peppermint in chamomile tea for optimal benefits. If you don't have anything at home to use to relieve pain, you can try sitting in a quiet room with the lights off while trying to relax.


A migraine is often much worse than a typical headache. You often have pain that lingers for some time and that is felt in your temples or another specific area of your head. Although it might seem odd, applying banana peels that are soaked in alcohol to your face can offer relief. The peels absorb toxins in a natural way. Eat a few almonds to release endorphins that can help with pain relief as well.

Sometimes, you might have a migraine because of a lack of caffeine. Enjoy a small cup of coffee so that you get the caffeine your brain desires so that your migraine goes away.



Inhaling the steam from hot water and eucalyptus leaves or peppermint can help to relieve nasal decongestion. Be careful as not to put your face completely in the steam as you can get burned. Cinnamon and sage boiled in water are beneficial as well.

If you want to drink something to help soothe your nasal decongestion, then try honey and apple cider vinegar. Boil this combination for about five minutes if you want a warm beverage.

Itchy Skin


There's nothing like the feeling of your skin itching to the point that you can no longer control your urges to scratch it throughout the day. You've probably heard of taking a bath with oatmeal when you have the chicken pox, but this remedy can be used for dermatitis as well. You can also boil oatmeal and water to make a compress that you can put on your skin if you don't want to take a bath with the product.

Thyme and tea tree oil are also good options that you can use for dermatitis. All you have to do is boil each one separately depending on which one you have available or which one you enjoy before applying the mixture to your skin.

Have you had success with any of these methods before? Let us know about your experience in the comments and show this article to your friends and family so they can start healing their ailments the natural way!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!