11-Year-Old Son Tried A Dangerous "Challenge" That Left Him With Terrible Injuries And Now Looks Like An "Alien". His Mom Is Warning Others
Sep 25, 2018 by apost team
Young teens are known for trying crazy stunts and tricks. Especially now with social media, their often harmful stunts are often featured online. Peer pressure is at an all time high for this age group. They are often encouraged to do their stunts and post them to social media for others to see.
Tyler Broome, who is eleven, was at the park with his friend. He was pressured to try a stunt that others had seen on YouTube called the “roundabout of death.” This is when one person sits in the middle of a merry-go-round. The other person spins the merry-go-round using the back wheel of a moped or motorcycle.
Normally, kids aren’t able to spin the merry-go-round very fast. They can’t get it up to a high enough speed to be harmful. That is why they wanted to use the motorcycle. A group of older teens approached Tyler and his friend, asking them if they would do this stunt, Tyler’s mom, Dawn Hollingworth stated.
They videotaped the stunt and it is now going viral online. Tyler passed out during the stunt, but the older teenagers kept going. They didn’t see that he had lost consciousness. Tyler was now going at a very dangerous speed. He had injuries similar to fighter pilots who were exposed to high levels of gravitational force. Tyler fell off the merry-go-round.
The teenagers then left Tyler, critically wounded, in the park alone. He had fluid around his brain. His vision was damaged and his eyes were bulging out. The doctors were stumped at how to approach Tyler’s treatment. They had to research his condition before treating him because it was so rare.
Dawn was furious at the boys who left her son alone in the park and the police were contacted regarding this incident. She also thanked the kind boy who saw her son and called the ambulance. Tyler is not out of the woods yet. He could still have a stroke if the swelling doesn’t go down. For now, Dawn is just thankful to still have her son with her.
What do you think of this dangerous stunt? Let us know and pass it on to your friends and loved ones to raise awareness for this dangerous dare.