9-Year-Old Kid Performs 'You Raise Me Up' With International Star And Steals The Show With Her Voice
Jul 17, 2020 by apost team
Who else remembers Celine Tam from America's Got Talent? She was the pint-sized singer obsessed with her namesake Celine Dion. Well, she's back with full force! This time she's teaming up with German singing star Helene Fischer. The two performed a duet on the Helene Fischer Show back in 2017.

The dynamic duo performed Josh Groban's hit song You Raise Me Up, which seemed to be the perfect choice for these two very different singers. On the one hand, there's Celine Tam, a young, up-and-coming singer who made it to the semifinals on America's Got Talent in 2017, as fans will remember from this video. On the other hand, we have Helene Fischer — a well-established singer who has won numerous awards since her debut back in 2005, according to Last.fm. But despite their differences — differences in age, experience, and vocal style — these two blew their performance out of the water back in 2017.


If it's any indication of how well they performed, members of the audience are literally speechless and open-mouthed as Tam and Fischer perform together. It truly is amazing that, at just 9 years old, Tam can hold her own on stage with the legendary Helene Fischer.

As the beautiful, dynamic performance builds, so does the emotion in the room. As far as we can see in the video, the audience remains stunned throughout the performance. And as Tam and Fischer reach the song's climactic end, fireworks erupt on stage, making for an incredible finale to an even more unbelievable duet.

Given that Celine Tam was just 9 years old at the time of the performance, it's hard to imagine how much she'll improve as she grows up. If she's already on par with an award-winning singer like Helene Fischer, just imagine what Tam will be like in 2025. But unless someone has a time machine on hand, we'll just have to wait and see where she ends up.
Did you enjoy their performance? Pass this on to your friends and family so they can be amazed by this little girl, too.