11 Ways Coffee Can Perk Up More Than Just Your Productivity

May 19, 2018 by apost team

Coffee has a reputation for being a stimulant and attitude adjuster. It can add that pep in your step when you need to work, socialize, make a long drive, or just be ultra-productive. And, some people can be downright intolerable to in a zombie-like state if they don’t get their daily cup of morning Joe. However, coffee can be used for more than just physical and mental stimulation in your daily life. Here are 11 extra perks coffee can bring into your life: 

1. Fridge & Room Deodorizer 

A lot of people actually store their coffee grounds in the fridge for its own freshness, but did you know that a cup of leftover coffee can absorb odors even better than baking soda. Place a cup in your fridge or any room you’d like it to absorb odors. Whole coffee beans can be placed in a bowl as a natural, chemical-free room deodorizer. 


2. Skin Deodorizer 

Maybe you’ve had a camping mishap and been sprayed by a skunk, or perhaps you’ve been dicing up onions and garlic. Whatever stinky, unwanted scent has attached itself to your skin, ground coffee can rid it. Wet your skin and rub throughly with the coffee grounds for two minutes or so. After rinsing, any unwanted odors will have disappeared. 

3. Skin Exfoliant 

Aside from removing smells from the skin, coffee also makes an excellent skin exfoliant to remove dry, dead skin cells. You can mix the coffee grounds with olive or mint oil, scrub, allow to sit for 10 minutes or so, and rinse away to brew up bright and fresh skin. 

4. Anti-Wrinkle Mask 

Use coffee grounds and a teaspoon of baking soda to make a 20-minute facial mask. You’ll notice exfoliating, anti-wrinkle, and oil removal effects after just a couple of uses. Limit the mask to just once or twice weekly since it can be drying if your skin isn’t extremely oily in nature. 

5. Anti-Cellulite Potion 

Did you know that many of the cellulite creams you pay top dollar for off store shelves contains caffeine as the active ingredient? It’s much cheaper, not to mention you avoid unnecessary additive ingredients, to mix some of your leftover brewed coffee with a teaspoon of coconut oil. Use a circular motion to apply to cellulite areas once a day. 

6. Pet Shampoo 

If you want to get rid of blood-sucking pests like fleas and ticks, brighten your pet’s coat, nix pet smells, and remove pet dander, then look no further than your left over coffee grounds. Mix the grounds with some Dawn dishwashing liquid and massage your pet during bath time. 

7. Hair Stimulant 

Coffee can give your hair a much needed boost in gloss. Plus, some studies have shown that it stimulates hair growth. Never use coffee grounds since it can cause unwanted hair breakage. Once per week, gently massage your scalp with liquid brewed coffee that’s been cooled. Leave it for 15-20 minutes before rinsing. 

8. Compost 

Coffee contains a lot of nitrogen, which is needed for healthy soil. Adding around 20% coffee grounds to your potting and gardening soil is a fantastic alternative to expensive soil additives if your soil’s nitrogen level is low. 

9. Animal Repellant 

Have a garden or flower bed being tampered with by cats, deer, and other wildlife? Coffee is your best friend. Unlike us humans, cats and deer cannot stand the smell of coffee. Sprinkle coffee grounds and orange peelings to keep pests out. 

10. Furniture Polish 

Wrap up damp, cooled coffee grounds in a cheese cloth and use them to shine up your wood furniture. Bonus... if you have any scratches, rub a walnut over it and watch as the scratch disappears. 

11. Perk Up Tired Recipes 

From brownie and cookie batter to cake icing and pies, a little brewed coffee adds a distinct and rich flavor to almost any dessert recipe. 

Have some great uses for coffee? Tell us about them in the comment section!