11 Sure Signs Someone Belongs To Your Soul Tribe

Oct 04, 2018 by apost team

You met someone, and it instantly felt like you connected to them on a deep, intimate level. When someone is from your soul tribe, you instantly feel comfortable around them. It feels like you met in a past life and have known them forever. They have the same energy as you do, so you can relate to them on a deeper level than normal.

When you feel drawn to a certain person, it is probably because they are a part of your soul tribe. There are few common signs that you have a soul connection with someone you have met.


1. You Feel Instantly Comfortable Around Them


When you meet someone from your soul tribe, it feels like you have known them forever. You feel an instant sense of belonging and an intimate connection to them. Even if you just met, you feel like you can say anything to them. You can tell them your darkest secrets without worrying about rejection.

2. You Feel Excited


This type of link is certainly something to feel excited about. When someone is a part of your soul tribe, you feel excited and happy whenever you are around them. While some people steal away your energy when they are nearby, your soul tribe makes you feel rejuvenated and refreshed.

3. They Balance Your Personality


No one is completely perfect. We all have imperfections, but our relationships can make us perfect. Someone who is a part of your soul tribe balances the different parts of your personality. They are like a puzzle piece that interlocks into who you are. You never feel like you have to compete with them or fight to be heard when they are around. Instead, you bring out the best in each other.

4. They Have Similar Life Experiences


If someone is a part of your soul family, you will be able to relate to each other on a deeper level. Most likely, you have shared similar experiences in your childhood or during your adulthood. This allows you to connect with them and share all of your innermost thoughts.

5. They Have the Same Dreams and Desires


Sometimes, it feels like you are journeying alone through life. When you finally meet someone with the same dreams as you, it feels magical. Someone from your soul tribe travels down the same path in life as you. They want to accomplish the same things, so they can help guide you along the way. As you journey together toward your goals, dreams and desires, you are able to support each other.

6. They Feel Like Someone From a Past Life


Even though you just met, it feels like you have known each other forever. Your deep connection seems impossible for just a friend or a casual acquaintance. You are able to sit in silence without feeling uncomfortable because you truly enjoy being around each other.

7. They Help You Move on From Painful Experiences


To move forward in life, you have to be able to move on from the past. Your soul tribe is able to help you move on from the past. They can see your pain when you try to hide it. When you experience a moment of happiness, they are there to celebrate with you. If something terrible happens, they comfort you. They offer the perfect balance of tough love and understanding to help you move on.

8. They Help You Bring Your Dreams to Life


Because they care so much about you, they want you to achieve your dreams. They will help you brainstorm the next step that you need to take to make your dreams come true.

9. They Arrive at the Perfect Moment


You are unsure about what to do or who to turn to. Suddenly, you make a new friend who brings you clarity. This is not just a coincidence. Your soul family generally arrives at just the perfect moment to help you navigate a tough time.

10. They Help You Gain a New Perspective


It is far too easy to get stuck in a certain perspective. When a member of your soul tribe arrives, they help you see things in a new light. They give you a new perspective that helps you achieve a new energy and drive.

11. They Uplift Your Spirit


To achieve happiness in life, you have to let go of negative influences and focus on positive thoughts. Your soul tribe helps you see the bright side of life so that you can become the best version of yourself possible.

Do you think that you have already met your soul tribe? Let us know about it. How could you tell that you were surrounded by your soul family?